Chapter 44

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I stood there examining myself in the mirror as the phone rang.

Finally he answered, “Hey,” He said, his voice thick with sleep and low and raspy.

“Hey,” I said trying to think of the approach I wanted to take to ask him to come down and help us get into the high-end clubs. When we were dating he used to invite me out, but I always turned it down.  I couldn’t help it, I was a rule follower.

“Is there a reason you are calling me at 10:17 at night Kendra Lynn?” He asked and I could hear his smile through the phone.  No matter what he did to me, I couldn’t help but get giddy about talking to him.

“Yes,” I began and took a deep breath, “Do you wanna go clubbing?” I bit my bottom lip and tried not to let him hear my heart beating completely out of my chest.

“You? Kendra wants to go clubbing?” He asked as he yawned on the other end of the line.

“Yes,” I giggled and tugged at the black fabric of the dress and admired my reflection in a long time.

“Where are you?” He asked.

“Just walking around the square,” I lied because I was embarrassed of where I really was.

“Alone?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I sighed into the receiver while saying a silent prayer that he would agree to come with me.

“Cody isn’t there with you?” He asked and his flirtatious tone changed to a jealous ugly one.

“No,” I said, “come down here!” I whined.

He sighed, “I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I could hear the huge goofy smile he wore right now.

We clicked off the call and I walked out into the brightly lit store that blinded me with all of the sequin covered dresses.

“Kitty?” I asked as I walked over to the counter.

“Yeah?” She said as she came around the corner of the storage room wearing yet another new dress, this one smaller and tighter.

“Can I get this one?” I said as I handed her the money I had wadded up in my purse.

“Yeah,” She said as she counted the cash and handed me back the small amount of change I had left over, “Where are you going clubbing?”

“Um, I think we are going to,” I thought back to what Sean used to call it, “Fusion?” I said with uncertainty.

“You are going to Fusion?” She said with disbelief. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the backroom to a small white vanity sitting in the middle of the racks of plastic covered dresses.

“I am going to do your hair and makeup,” She said as she pulled out bags of products, “You can’t go to Fusion looking like this,”


I stood looking at the different girl in the mirror.  This girl looked fierce and fearless.  She looked strong, independent, and gorgeous.  The large hair added to the look.  I walked out to the front of the store and thanked Kitty for the help with my fashion “emergency.” I was running late because of my hair and makeup session so I rushed out of the store struggling to walk in the 6-inch heels she gave me.

I marched down to the square where I said I would meet Sean.  I was extremely nervous and I had a large knot tied in my stomach.  I missed Sean, we had always been together until Cody had to ruin just like he ruined the rest of my life. 

I pushed the thought of Cody far from my mind as I approached a bench where I thought I saw Sean.

I walked up to see him sitting there wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white jacket top.  He looked like a model, what a surprise,

“Hey Kendra Lynn,” He said as his eyes raked up and down my body.

“Hey Sean Michael,” I repeated him.  We used to call each other by our full names as a way of flirting, but his name does sound perfect rolling off of my tongue.

“You look-“ He began and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, “Stunning,”

“You look pretty good yourself,” I said as I ran my hand through his hair.  I didn’t understand what I was doing or why, but it felt right.  I felt a weight of Cody lifted off of my shoulders.

“Kendra I missed you,” he said with a small smile.

I felt a tug at my heart, “I missed you too,” I said returning the smile.

He grabbed my hand and I flinched at first but reminded myself to enjoy my time with Sean.  We walked down a few blocks and my ankles already ached from the heels. I looked up at Sean.  He wore a new look, he looked guarded and like he had his walls up.  We used to be so wild and free, but he almost looked worried to be with me.

Just as I was about to collapse I saw the lights of the nightclub and I felt the beat of the music vibrate my body.  I caught a glimpse of the sleek white building.  The sign read “Fusion” My pulse raced as we walked toward the intimidating building.  I took in a deep breath as we walked past the long line of glamorous people out the front door. 

“Nervous?” Sean said as he looked down at me.

“A little,” I admitted.

“Stay close to me, there are some serious creeps here,” He said.

“Okay,” I agreed as I stood closer to his side and his hand snaked around my waist.

We walked past the line toward the side entrance that read, “Employees only”

Sean nodded the bouncer and he let us in.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I said as I stopped in the hallway and watched all the thin girls walk around with the guys drooling behind them.

“You look great,” He said as he bent down so his head was inches from mine, “I don’t have to worry about men not noticing you, I have to worry about making sure you don’t notice other me.” He said with a side smirk.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Dance with me tonight,” He said as he dragged me into the hot room with blue lights flashing on the ceiling and floor.  I lost Sean in the crowd as we hustled onto the dance floor.  I turned to see a tall attractive man staring down at me, his blue eyes dark, and hooded.

“Would you like a drink?” My heart ached at the sight of his eyes, they looked identical to Cody’s. 

“Yeah,” I yelled over the music as he handed me a strong smelling, fruity blue drink.  I took a sip as I felt a rush of adrenaline, and I felt the alcohol running through my veins.

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