Chapter 2

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Just as I was yank away from Sarah, Erica gave me sunglasses, I put them on and she put in her own pair.
"You know you can't blame her for not saving you." Erica said walking outside, me behind her. "She just didn't want to become a full vampire." She finished pulling me into a closing shop.
  "I know I get it." I said my voice close to a whisper. Looking at the jacket options. "I just thought she would help me." I said pulling a black leather jacket.
Erica nodded pulling a different jacket that was gray that slowly faded to black. The back having a skull with fangs. "This one is good." Erica said pushing it to me. "Try it on." She said with a smile.
  I rolled my eyes pulling it on. "Wow this is nice." I said turning to her. Pulling it close adjusting it.
  "Yea it is." She said pulling it off leading me to the pant section.  I chuckled softly rolling my eye.
"You are changing my entire look." I mumbled as she choose out a few jeans. Then we went and got some shirts. Finally she got me a hat and sunglasses.

// yells bc change of point of view

After a while of walking, Erica took Ethan home. Knowing that his parents were probably worried sick about him. He had a bag full of the cloth they got for him. He walked inside to and to his room to find Sarah and Benny there. He let out a sigh.
"What do you want." He muttered setting down the bag. "Worried about me?" He said in an anger voice, mostly aimed at Sarah.
  "I wanted to apologize." She said stepping foreword. Ethan only shook his head pointing at the window.
"Leave I'm still mad at you." He said watching Sarah leave. He let out a sigh looking at Benny. He could hear his heart beating fast. Quickly he pinned him to the wall. "It in your best interest to leave." He said with a low hiss. "I'd rather not drink you." He said shoving him away, watching Benny run out.

  Ethan sighed running his fingers through his hair. He fell back onto his bed with a sigh. He stared up kicking his shoes off covering his face. A single tear slipped down his cheek. He held his knees to his chest as he laid on his soft bed. He felt bad about what had happened between him Sarah and Benny.

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