Chapter 15

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After what seemed like hours of lists of punishments, I was sent to my room. I decided I'd stay, so I have to deal with the consequences. Though I'm pretty sure I heard her arguing with dad on if I should stay home or get sent to some school far away.
In all my life, I had never been threatened with anything like that. And oddly I was scared, worried. If I got sent away now, why did I even come home? Leaving with Jesse would be better than my own parents sending me away.

But it seemed like I had a small shot at redemption. If I was good until the end of the year I was okay. Maybe. They were still arguing. But I was locked in my room until school the next day. But then again I'd have to deal with my truancy, skip enough school, deal with the cops. So fun.

As it sounded, I'd be in detention on the weekends, after school until 5, and durning lunch. Durning class, and I was also informed, the teachers wouldn't let me leave by myself. Buddy system, yay.

I get it, she's worried about me, but how was this helping any? I didn't skip that much school, maybe a week, possibly two. It's not like I did something truly bad. Let's be honest, my actions are saint like compared to other kids. I told myself I'd stay so I'd do it.

But I was worried about how I'd get blood. I was hungry as it stood, I don't think I'd like to see myself get anymore hungry. That's something I do not want to experience.

I'm expected to sleep, but I don't. Sitting in my room, bored and alone I'd go crazy. I pulled out books and comics trying to find anything to read, it'd be a long night.

The next morning

I stood outside the school rubbing my face. This was a bad idea. I heard heartbeats, smelled blood somewhere in the school. I bit my lips with my fangs then jumped. It took all I had to walk inside and not jump the nearest jock. Everything inside me was screaming to eat. I couldn't eat, not at school, not at home, how long before I lost control or passed out?

Standing at my locker I was shaking so hard. I tried humming, counting by fives, I tried everything. I was ready to shove myself into a locker. That'd be funny.
When Benny came up behind me I nearly bit his finger off.

"What." I groan trying to find the right book, and organize my locker. No luck. I groaned loudly trying not to hide in the bathroom.
"I gotta tell you-" Then the bell rang. Benny left and I leaned against the locker.

I fell to my knees, my head pounding. I fell forward catching myself. For some reason I gagged. I clawed the ground gasping quietly. I thought I might pass out, and people around me were either watching or screaming for a teacher.

How stupid, was the last thing I thought before everything went dark. I didn't know I could pass out like that, until I woke up in the hospital. Still hungry, and alone? I was in a cold I think, in a very small room. I couldn't even put my hands a foot above me, 5 inches to the side. Where was I? And why was I on a metal bed?
I was really regretting my decision to stay, if I had a pulse it would have quickened. They thought I had died. And the door to get out was locked. How did this happen?

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