Chapter 12

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(I probably shouldn't be writing while in pain but hey, here we go. Also I'm playing with povs so sorry.)

    As the storm thundered overhead I had my eyes closed. It was a cold night, or at least I think it was cold, Can't be to sure when you are apart of the undead category. The entire time I sat wondering why I'd so willingly leave?
     I couldn't believe I had let myself get so turned around and controlled, and by Jesse at that. It was not at all like me, though recently I haven't been myself either.

     As lightning hit overhead, the phone Jesse gave me a text. One day remaining. Maybe I could spend it with Benny? Say goodbye in a not so suspicious way. Yea, I'd do that. After I got dry clothes. Maybe even say goodbye to my mother before she truly lost her son.

    I couldn't help but wonder, was I hurting my mother? What would it be like for her. A quick sigh I stood and ran home, watching my family from the shadows of the outside.

    My sister wasn't at school, odd. She sat on the couch with a blanket pulled around her, watching the t.v. blankly. That hurt. He had a blanket pulled around her, half awake half asleep.

   My father wasn't home, and I couldn't find any sign he had been home. Standing outside their room I saw only signs of my mom. Her clothes thrown everywhere, maybe from anger. One side of the bed was slept in, though barely. And as to my mother herself? She was passed out on a pile of papers. I couldn't leave them forever without saying goodbye. One day was all I had to give them, so I'd give them one last day.

    I stood at the door and knocked. My body felt an odd anxiety, my legs wanted to turn and run, but I would not let them. The door opened, my mother looked terrible. Her blonde hair  tangled, her eyes lost in a sea of pain. She was so pale it hurt me.

    This was a mistake. A mistake I couldn't regret, my mother hugged me, and I hugged her.

     "I'm wet." I whispered not letting go of my mother. "I know. Go get changed and then we are going to talk." My mother said pointing upstairs.


    Ugh it was as if my mind was being torn into little pieces. I needed to see them once again, but also, I had just given them hope, and soon I'd rip it away, like I always do.
    My room oddly looked slept in. My bed was messy, my room was clean other than my bed. I sighed knowing either my mom or Jane had snuck in here late at night to be close to me.

     My undead heart was breaking. Being torn up like a paper a teacher didn't like. The thought made me dizzy as a picked up a towel and changed.

     I couldn't return then leave again.
    This was my family, but I had to leave to protect them?

     What type of cruel joke was this. If there was a greater being, he'd be laughing at my misfortune. I'd be to.

     With one last sign I made up my mind. Hopefully it was the right decision.

    The right one to stay.

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