Chapter 16

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    Hours went by as I tried to get my surroundings in check. I was in a hospital, in a morgue, presumed dead, and starving. I was tempted to scream but if someone came to help me, I was worried that they wouldn't live. Hunger had a firm hold on my stomach, twisting and pulling. My mind was full of the thought of blood, my fangs pierced my lower lip. I moved kicking the door, hoping it'd break, but I was extremely weak.

    "Help!" I finally screamed hitting the walls. My voice was strained and quiet. I was shaking. I was hoping that someone was still here.
     I heard only one person run in and open the door. I sat up once I could, I moved to the ground.

     "How did this happen?" The man asked, his brown eyes looking into mine.
     "Um mistakes happen. I don't know what happened." I couldn't hold back. If I gave into my urges I'd have to leave forever and never come back.

    I couldn't do it. I couldn't stop myself. Everything fell away. I lunged digging my teeth into his neck. His screaming faded in my mind. His struggling barely fazed me. I didn't stop myself when his pulse slowed. I didn't even stop until he went limp. I only stopped when the deadweight started to bother me and I dropped him. I heard clapping and I turned to see the one, the only Jesse.

    "Fun fact, this all happened because of me. I knew you weren't going to leave, and if you went as far to kill someone with hunger, oh you'd have no choice but to leave, with me preferably." Jesse set down a small vile.
    "What is that?" I asked looking at him.
    "You see, I persuaded your mother to put this in the water you drank. Remember that? It makes you so incredibly hungry, and eventually you'll pass out, then wake up in a pain so bad you'll feed until well." He gestured to the dead nurse. "And now, you'll have to leave, or you know jail." Jesse smiled holding out a hand. I shook slightly moving back. "And you won't have the guilt of leaving your parents."

     I looked at him, then at his hand. I'd die in jail, and I didn't think I could survive on my own. With a shaking hand I took his hand.
     "Good choice." He said and ran off holding my hand. It was hard to keep up. I remember seeing the trees and grass move fast. After twenty minutes we were at another small town. I was out of breath but he was fine.

   "You know, I guess a long drive with you will be fun." He said wiping my mouth off pushing me into an abandoned car. I said nothing and only looked forward.


    Tapping the car door I sighed. Jesse asked me questions, acting like a friend and I ignored him the entire time. I was upset and reasonably so. He tricked me, used me and he got what he wanted.

     "Can you just shut the hell up?" I snapped, I was annoyed by his constant babbling and random attempts to start a conversation.
     "Ah snappy, You were nothing like this when you were mortal." He said smiling.
    "And who's fault is that? Oh right yours." I growled lowly.
   "Actually it's Sarahs fault. She could have saved you, and you clearly resent her for that." Jesse said tapping the wheel.
    "Sarah didn't do this! You did! You and your greed to have everyone you've ever turned to be on your side!" I raised my voice. " did you even once think about the life you took?!"
    "I didn't kill you Ethan, I saved you, and Sarah helped you."
    "You cursed me! Sarah has a chance of humanity. And I'm glad. My life for hers. I'll always help her, even if at first I was mad." I said taking a deep breath, though I did not need it, the breath helped calm me.
    "Believe What you want but, Sarah will join us soon. She'll feed, and she'll be by my side, and you'll be welcoming her with me."

    I looked at him, I couldn't bring myself to snap at him, or yell at him. All I could do is glare at him. I turned and looked out the window and watch the earth fly by. He clenched his fists. As I turned to look forward, he'd never win... right?

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