salutations... again xD

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(A/N: so idk if the gif is loading for you guys but whatever. Comment if it is working cause I wanna know ^^")

Your POV
January 25, 2017
2:00 A.M.
You: heyo

Unknown: Hey! I was just about to text you, lol.

You: oh really? that's odd.

Unknown: Really? Why?

You: considering how late it is.
You: maybe you should go to bed.

Unknown: Alright, but you have to go to bed as well.

You: hm... but i have important things to do rather then sleep.
You: so i guess we can both stay up together :)

Unknown: Haha, I'm in.

You: haha
You: wait... do u know someone named tyler?

Unknown: Uh... maybe...
Unknown: Why?

You: i was reading back through our conversations and saw that you meant to text your friend instead of me.
You: you were asking 'ty' right?

Unknown: Lol yeah, I know Josh so I know Tyler as well.

You: oh, that's cool.
You: wait... that should be obvious... man i'm dumb, sorry.

Unknown: Yeah
Unknown: What are you doing?

You: nm, just watching stranger things

Unknown: Oh, nice.

You: do you mind if i ask what my contact name is on your phone?

Unknown: Lol, well I'm naming you 'Stranger Child' atm

You: haha, very funny -_-

Unknown: Lol, what about me?

You: right now? for me you're named j-bomb.

j-bomb: Wooowww that's the cringiest thing I have ever heard anyone call me.

You: hm... guessing you get called a lot of names.

j-bomb: Eh.. I've had my fair share of being name-called.

You: huh, like what?

j-bomb: Uhm, I'd rather not say...

You: ok...?
You: what do you want to talk about?

j-bomb: Hm... let's just ask random questions to each other.
j-bomb: What's your favorite color?

You: i like... hm... probs (f/c). wbu?

j-bomb: I like red. What about... favorite band?

You: hm... idk, i like a lot of them. probs (f/b).

j-bomb: Cool.
j-bomb: Hey, can I call you?

You: we have been talking for three days and you are already wanting to call me?

j-bomb: Haha, is it really that private?

You: i mean, no. i just can't call atm cuz my parents are asleep and i know if i call you i'm gonna laugh really loud...
You: maybe another time?

j-bomb: Of course, but we can still text right?

You: i mean, only if you want to.
You: aww, these messages seem like we're in a relationship and YOU'RE the needy boyfriend xD

j-bomb: ...
j-bomb: I don't know if I should be flattered or offended.

You: hm...
You: probs both.

j-bomb: Wow. Really helping my self-esteem.

You: lol, anytime dude.

j-bomb: Haha.
j-bomb: I can't help but think... what if we ever got in a relationship?

You: i think you should go to bed cause now you're just talking crazy.

j-bomb: Lol, why?

You: dude, how many times do i have to say this?
You: we literally met like three days ago. slow your roll xD

j-bomb: Haha, I'm just teasing.

You: lol yeah, ik.
You: look, i gotta go. i'm barely keeping my eyes open to text you.

j-bomb: Wow, am I really that boring?

You: what?! no, i never said that!
You: i'm just, really tired. but we can talk tomorrow.

j-bomb: Haha. Again, teasing.
j-bomb: But yeah, let's talk tomorrow.

You: duh.
You: ok, see you tomorrow.

j-bomb: See ya.

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