your true identity

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Your POV
I sat on my bed, just scrolling through twitter and laughing at the little tweets Josh had posted either today or a week ago.

It still blew my mind that I had been talking to him for almost a month now and never knew.

I understood why he never told me but.. I still wish he would have. The only thing I know I probably would have done if I knew was treat him differently... so I guess it was for the best.

I sigh as my phone freezes and becomes my face. It starts to buzz and I look at who's trying to FaceTime me.

"J-bomb..?" I read a loud.

I become curious to why Josh is calling so I answer the call and see connecting on the screen.

I look away for a second as I watch the cars go down the street.

For the past month, I had been living with my sister until I earned enough money to buy my own apartment.. even if it was crappy.

Which it is.

The hot water doesn't work, wifi is super expensive and barely works, no heater or air conditioning. Basically everything that could be wrong was wrong.

No wonder it was so cheap. Until I find a job that's not Subway, this is where I'm living for a few months... hopefully.


I look back down to my phone to see Josh staring up at me.

Josh was wearing black sunglasses and a black snap-back which covered his hair. He wore a black sweater over, what looked like to be, a white shirt.

I blushed a little and tried to casually cover my cheeks before Josh could see it and make fun of me.

I looked at the background he was in and realized he was in a car, but who was driving?

Josh looked at me and cocked his head, "You okay? And, where are you?"

Yesterday, I was at my sisters house when we were FaceTiming but she wasn't home. She has a really nice house and she's engaged... so her life is going swell.

I smiled, "I moved to an apartment."

Josh didn't seem to lighten up one bit, his frown stayed visible on his face making me a feel the tiniest bit awkward.

"What..?" I ask quietly.

Josh sighs a little, "Nothing, it's just... you deserve better."

I sighed and looked down, "Josh..."

"I was reading back to that super deep conversation we had awhile ago."

This surprised me so I looked back up to the man in the glasses. He seemed to look back at me but I wasn't able to tell since his glasses hid the expression that was usually held in his eyes.

I stuttered a bit, "Why... why would you do that..?"

Josh settled back in his seat and clicked his tongue a little in discomfort, "I-I dunno... I just-"

"He was reading through your texts because he couldn't stop thinking about you!" chimed a voice that I recognized as the bean of the band.

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