let's talk TØP

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(A/N: did anyone go to the concert in Sacramento? Lol, idk why but comment if you did xD)

Your POV
January 25, 2017
10:00 A.M.
j-bomb: Hey
j-bomb: You up yet?

You: now i am...
You: remind me now to turn off my ringer before i go to bed.

j-bomb: K, that's on the list of things I need to do today.

You: lol, thanks xD
You: so, what's up

j-bomb: Trying to distract myself.

You: ??
You: from what?

j-bomb: The voices..

You: oh...
You: are you okay?

j-bomb: Yeah... it's just that...
j-bomb: I wish I wasn't so important in everyone's eyes.

You: what? you should be happy.
You: i'd love to be important in people's eyes..

j-bomb: Well...
j-bomb: You can be in mine...

You: haha, you're sweet...
You: but... it's just, i dunno..
You: let's just say i don't really talk with my parents and have hardly any friends ^^"
You: the only people i really talk to anymore from my family are my older sister and younger brother.

j-bomb: Oh.
j-bomb: I'm sorry to hear that.

You: it's fine..
You: let's change the subject, if you don't mind.

j-bomb: Yah, that's fine.
j-bomb: So... let's talk about Twenty Øne Piløts.

You: haha
You: i mean... i did want to change the subject but since we were being emotional, I want to say something about them.

j-bomb: Go ahead, I'm listening.

You: haha, alright.
You: basically, they saved me. i don't know how and i don't know why, but they did. their music just made me feel like they understood what i was going through. idk.
You: lol, sorry. that went kinda deep on my behalf.

j-bomb: Nah, you're all good. But that's interesting to hear.
j-bomb: I can tell them that you said that.

You: no!

j-bomb: No?

You: i mean...
You: they're my heroes and stuff, but... i'd be so embarrassed if they knew.
You: it would sound like i would just be trying to be like everyone else but only be saying that so i could be noticed.
You: ik that people listen to their music for the same reason i do, but...
You: idk, i just... i don't want them thinking i'm just some teenage girl trying to be noticed by a band so that i can brag to everyone about it.

j-bomb: Oh.. gotcha.
j-bomb: I'm sure they would understand. I mean, sure they have fans with the same problem but I know that they know when it's fake or not.

You: idk, i'm not taking any chances.

j-bomb: Ok, if you say so.
j-bomb: So... on a different note, when are they coming around to perform in your area?

You: i dunno, probs sometime in the next month.

j-bomb: Do you have tickets?

You: uh.. no. not yet at least, i'm hoping to find some though before prices really go up...

j-bomb: I mean, I'm sure I can get you some for free.

You: thank you for the offer but i'm going to have to decline.

j-bomb: What? Why?

You: 1. don't know you 2. i can't let you do that...

j-bomb: Dude, it's fine. I'd be happy to get you some.

You: nope sorry. if i'm gonna go, i'll pay for the tickets with my own money :)

j-bomb: Hm..
j-bomb: You're very stubborn, you know that right?

You: haha, i've been told WAY too many times.
You: but it's fine, idc.

j-bomb: Haha, alrighty then.
j-bomb: Sorry for asking but... how old are your siblings?

You: my sister is 27 and my brother just turned 21.

j-bomb: Ok.
j-bomb: How old are you?

You: 25
You: now since you know more about me, i have to ask how old are you?

j-bomb: I'm 28

You: cool.
You: shoot... i gtg, but i'll talk to you later.

j-bomb: K, I'll be waiting

You: aight, till then.

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