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It's the 5th week of school I haven't talked to jungkook nor have I gotten over him but every time I saw Him I wanted to just disappear into thin air his eyes hunt me and I can't seem to get him out of my mind I was in cooking class when my teacher got my attention by calling me alerting me that we were about to get into assessments which was ok as long I wasn't put with

"Y/N and  jungkook jeon you will be a team" I sat there stunned I wasn't going to fail but I wasn't going to work with him either

"Uhh sir you have the wrong people" jungkooks voice broke my train of thought

"No sorry mr jungkook you are with y/n"

I got up and walked over to a free station with jungkook trailing behind me

"We should do a layered cake" he suggested I nodded "with 6 colours"

"Yeah I'll work on blue green and purple" he nodded at the colours I choose we got started I worked on blue mix mixing all the food dye in when one of Layla's friends that happened to be a boy walked up behind me

"Hey y/n there's a dance in a couple of day you have a date"he asked with a pedophile look on his face

"Why? Aww is it because no one will say yes to you? Or is it just the fact that you are a creep and no one wants to go with you?" He looked shocked but just smiled

"Uhh y/n my dear, you'll soo see that jungkook doesn't want you he never did and never will" he hissed out making jungkook look over at us I had all my cakes on the bench ready for icing jungkook reached over grabbing them as I just smiled and retorted

"Aww Hun don't get to affected when I say no but I really don't want to go with you and your mum" I gave him the most bitchest look I could manage and he just walked pissed I giggled at what I said but when I looked over at jungkook he just gave me the most filthyest looks I just went back to work putting my head phones in and turning on I.o.i whatta man i decorated the cake that took us almost 2 hours to finish I put it in the fridge to cool I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class to my locker where a hand passed my face slamming on the locker in front of me I instantly pulled my headphones out turning around to face Layla who was pissed

"LISTEN I KNOW YOU LIKE JUNGKOOK AND ALL BUT SERIOUSLY STAY THE FUCK AWAY" I walked away until I felt a hand pull me back throwing me onto the floor i tryed to find my attacker until a pain came crashing through my lip I blacked out but when I woke up I was in my bed I felt my lip which was swollen I winced in pain as it shot through my lip at the touch

"Your up" my mum walked in my room with some ice she put it on my lip as I flinched in the pain

"What happend?" I asked but before she replied jungkook burst through the door

"YOU DID IT YOU HURT HER Y/N HOW COULD YOU? YOU SLUT" I stood up to face the same guy how broke my heart the same guy who is accusing me of a crime I didn't commit

"What on earth are you talking about jungkook?"

"YOU HIT LAYLA " he spat

"WHAT NO SHE DIDN'T Y/N WAS HERE" my mother defended me


"WELL LAYLA LIED JUNGKOOK SHE PUNCH ME I DIDNT TOUCH HER" I said taking a deep breath before continuing "I walked out of cooking and she came up to me throwing me on the floor and knocking me out" I quickly said

"Fine let's check the footage I got from the school" he pulled a disc out putting it in my tv and pressing play there we saw Layla beat me up I knew it hurt him to see Layla do that but when I turned to see him he was gone

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