Task 2

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I woke up to Irene making weird noises "ugh what time is it?" I asked

"Well your ment to be at the cafe at 11:55 and it's 9 " I rolled my eyes getting out of bed I walked to the bathroom and ran a hot shower I quickly got out and ran to my wardrobe getting out a black shirt/sweater with maroon jeans and white converse I walked out of my room sitting on the couch on my phone

"Y/n it's time to go" I dragged myself off the couch and to the car we arrived at the cafe where a bunch of cameras were set up the director brought us to a table where we all sat down I sat in the middle there was a card placed in front of me and I was told to read it aloud

"Task 2 Talk to your band members about what they think of this then text your future husband" seemed easy enough "what exactly do you think?" I said raising an eyebrow looking at the eldest min

"Well as long as little y/n grows up I am ok with it" I rolled my eyes after what min said all the girls started saying stuff on what they think until it was time to text my future husband

"How am I meant to text him if I don't have his number?" I said then they gave me a sone paper with a number on it I put the number in my phone under lgmh (let's get married husband) I quickly went to my texts

Y/n:hey :)

I quickly regretted what I wrote wishing I could delete it but he already saw it

Lgmh:hey :)

Y/n:I can't wait to meet you :)

Ugh I am so straight forward although Task completed

"Alright miss y/n the next task, task 3 is to get him a gift and meet him tomorrow " I nodded simple enough the cameras stopped rolling and we left the cafe I went shopping almost instantly

Y/n: what's you size in shoes and shirts?

Lgmh: in shoes I am a 9 and in shirt I am a medium or large I can't remember

I nodded and walked to the converse store

"May I help you?" The lady asked

"Yes can I have a 9 and a 7,9 in men's and 7 in ladies" she nodded

" do you want the same colour?" I nodded she brought out black converses I payed and left going to a shop close to the converse store buying the same shirt in medium and large I left the shops and went home

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