Standing where you left me

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Weeks had passed turning into months which turned into years 2 to be correct it was close to graduation day and jungkook had disappeared 12 weeks ago after him and Layla broke up I was in music with jimin when a familiar voice cought my attention

"Sorry sir I had family matters to take care of"jungkook walked through the door making his way over to the back

"Ok mr jungkook we are just presenting our Assignments that you didn't do" the teacher turned to me"y/n it's time for you to present" I nodded making my way to the guitar and playing the tune I have been trying to practice for weeks the sound of the strings I played filled the room as I started singing all attention was on me

"I met you in the dark"I sung"you lit me up you made me feel as though I was enough we danced the night away we drank to much...." soon it was over and done with I finished the song and put the guitar away

"Final marks will be given to you all tomorrow" my teacher said

We all piled out of the class making our way to the lockers after grabbing every thing from mine Chloe showed up beside me

"So remember you said you'll go dress shopping with me" I nodded "we'll come on we are going now" she grabbed my hand making our way to her car after a long drive we made it to the mall where we met up with the boys who were having a smoothie

"We are going to look for dresses so we will meet here in like 30 minutes"Chloe giggled grabbing my arm and pulling me to the nearest dress shop I had tried on many dresses but fell love with one strapless dress with a blue skirt and a Dimond incrusted torso I brought it to the counter at there I payed for the dress of my dreams not long after we meet up with the boys again at the fountain

"Y/N can I talk to you?" I was pulled aside by jungkook who seemed to be nervous

"What's up" I said casually like he didn't mean anything to me

"Well you remember how I left" he stopped there looking up at the girl who just walked into the shops "wow....... uhh y/n sorry I got destructed" I nodded as he continued "well listen I am really sorry but after this week I am gone"

Tears welled up in my eyes "wait!! Your leaving me again?" The tears fell "and to think I waited for you just so you could leave again" I wiped what was left of my makeup off

"What do you mean?" He looked at me confused

"Jungkook when you left me alone that afternoon after you accused me of beating up Layla I've been standing there hoping you will come back just so maybe,just maybe I could get a chance" I swolled down my through was killing me "a chance to prove that I love you a chance to prove I won't hurt you but I see now that I have to move on and that's exactly what I am going to do" I grabbed my dress pulling my phone out and calling my mum to pick me up

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