Our past

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As I got home I ran up the stairs to my room slamming the door behind me and throwing my thing on the bed thoughts came flooding through my mind. I grabbed my dress, hanging it up in my walk in wardrobe. I walked into my connected bathroom looking in the mirror to see my make up ran. I quickly took my clothes off running a hot shower, after turning the tap off and warping my body with the towel, I put my ripped jeans and a gray crop top and threw a jumper on. as I walked to the door I put my red converse on and left, making my way to the park where I used to go with my friend from prep.


"Y/N, push me please?" the young boy smiled at you you nodded making you way to the swing pushing the little boy higher.

"Kookie can I have a turn?" You asked the little boy as he smiled and got up

-----------end of flashback---------
I jumped as I released that the little boy was jungkook before he left when he was 8. I picked up my phone dialling his number and placing the phone on my ear.

"Hello?" Asked his soft, yet husky voice.

"Can you meet at the park near where you live? I need to talk to you.." My voice cracked

"Sure" he hung up. I made my way to the swing and sat down, waiting for him to arrive.

"y/n? What are you doing here?" Before I could answer, every thing went black. Shit, not now. I had passed out, great.

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