~Chapter 3~

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Can I point out that Grian is close to grain............ Grian is pronounced (gree-in)


Laxus's P.O.V

Gray seemed to be pretty serious because he didn't insult anyone in the email, I need to talk to him today after school.

~~Time Skip~~

I walk up to Gray, who was walking home. He seemed to be thinking of something "I'll be able to come." I say breaking his concentration "Oh hey!" he says, he explains why he was setting this up and then left. I remember something... crap! I run to the park and quickly find the snowy haired girl, she was waiting on the swings. I run up to her "Hey." I pant and sit next to her "Hello!" she chirped "Sorry that I'm late, talking to Gray." I apologize "It's fine, I know that you wouldn't forget!" she really is the most positive person I know... heh she can be kinda cute.

~~That Weekend~~

I knock on Gray's door, there was a crash then some voices arguing... *sigh* idiots. Natsu opens the door "Haha! I won!" Natsu let me in and I see Gray trying to clean up. I raise and eyebrow "If you guys start to argue I will call Erza." I threaten "Aye sir!" Natsu yelled and ran into the living room, I follow him in. Everybody else was there "Hey." I say and sit down, Gray came in then hit Natsu on the back of the head "Ok... I wanted to ask you guys about liking people." he nervously twiddles his thumb, I already knew so the other guys' reaction were priceless. Natsu smirked "Does ice stripper have a crush?" Gray again hit Natsu and scowled "Maybe... I'm not sure..." he replied "How does Juvia make you feel?" Jellal asked "HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS JUVIA?!?!?!?!" Gray yelled "I just know, and answer the question." Jellal replied. Gray took a deep breath and replied "She makes me feel warm and nervous, completed but afraid." Jellal looked at him with a you're-an-idiot look "You don't like her..." he said, Gray breathed a sigh of relief "you love her." Gray's breathing hitched. He sighed "ok... you know who I like, so who do you like?" I saw everybody blush "Well... I like-" Natsu started but got cut off by the rest of us "Lucy... we know!" Natsu blushed even more "Is it that obvious?" he asked "To us it is, to Lucy it's not." Romeo responded for us, Natsu sighs in relief. Gray pointed at Gajeel "Shrimp." Gajeel responded, Grian and Jack were confused "That's what he calls Levy." I explain "Oh." they both said, Gray points at Romeo "Who is the only other person my age that's in our group?" Romeo asked us "Wendy..." Jack responds. Wait for it....................... realization. "Ooohhhhhhhh..." The rest of the guys say, Gray then points at Jellal. He simply just said "Scarlet." then Grian "Ummm... Aideen." then Jack "L-Lizzie." then me... I simply just said "Who are all of you scared of?" Natsu yelled out "Titania!" Romeo raised his hand "Umm... I'm not scared of her mostly because I don't upset her." I looked at Jellal for help, he sighs "He's talking about Mira." he said. They all looked confused "How do you stand her matchmaking?" Gray exclaimed "I don't, I embrace it... well, kind of." I respond "Hey! if you can't beat, join in." I add on.

~~The Next Day~

Mira's P.O.V

*ring ring ring ri-slam* stupid alarm. I open my eyes and check my phone, there was a text from Laxus.

 It read: All of your ships will work out if the girls like them back. Meet me at the Cafe Amour at 10 am.

Yay! Now I have to make the girls confess it! Next weekend I will get the info... but first I need to go get coffee with Laxus in... an hour. I go into the bathroom and start my normal routine, I put my hair up in a pony tail and left my bangs down. I slip on a black undershirt and put a sheer black blouse with light pink polka dots on it, I put on black jeans along with a pair of light pink flats. Now it takes me 15 minutes to walk there, and I have 20 minutes... perfect! I pick up my phone, wallet and house key and put them into my purse. Before I leave the house I put a note on the dining room table to my siblings, Lisanna can make brunch for them today!

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