~Chapter 5~

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~~~~~Friday of the same week~~~~~
Jellal's P.O.V
I tapped my pen on my desk until the teacher shushed me, it is halfway through period seven and the Gang and I know that Makarav is going to call a meeting in a few minutes. Five... four... three... two... aaaaaannnndddd one. CLICK. "Attention all students. Please report to the cafeteria in five minutes." That was Mavis on the speaker, I guess she wanted to play with it... the students all gathered their stuff while I pulled out a pass from my bag. I look next to me to see Erza doing the same, we walk up to the teacher and show her our passes. She read them then shooed us away, once we were in the hall I spoke "I don't think she likes me..." Erza laughed "She hates all guys, don't take it personally." I smiled and side glanced at her "Your right, though she does sometimes throughs random problems at me to see if I'm paying attention..." Erza speaks up "which you are.""Which I am, but she doesn't do that to other guys." I say. Erza looked at me "Maybe the tattoo?" I nodded "Not my fault that my parents did this to me before... you know..." Erza smiled at me "I like the tattoo, and you should too. Plus that's the past and this is the present!" Heh, her optimism is cute. We walk into the cafeteria and up into the stage, once we made it behind the curtains we found the rest of the Gang. They all waved in our general direction while looking over Mira's shoulder "Well hello to you too." I say walking up to them "O-oh heeeeeey Jellal and Erza... heh heh..." Mira hid something behind her back "What's that?" Erza asks pointing at Mira "Nothing!" Mira chirped and smiled "So what have you been up to?" Erza didn't look to convinced. When I tried to get it Mira tossed it to Laxus, the item was a camera... Erza pounced but wasn't quick enough because Laxus tossed it to Levy who tossed it to Lucy, then Natsu, then Gray, then Wendy, then Aid. She tossed it back to Mira who slipped it into her bag in which she shoved into a lock safe locker, she turned to us wiping her hands off on her black skirt "Well! I think everyone is going to be arriving now!" She smiled and walked away like nothing happened. She really is a demon...

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~Ten Minutes~~~~~

Laxus's P.O.V
"As you all know, last year's participants were all seniors in college and we didn't use anyone from our representatives group!" There was silence, by the way the Gang and I are the representatives "This year our groups will be the representatives because they are now the strongest in the mind and magically in this school." He called out our names and we filed onto the stage, he let Mira talk because she is his 'Poster Girl' he disgusts me sometimes. Once she was done there was applause and some murmuring "Any questions?" The old geezer asks, one girl at the back raised her hand "When will the pre-AMG party be?" She asks... why the parties? Makarav cleared his throat "That will be held next Friday." Everyone cheered, and filed out of the cafeteria.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~Saturday Night~~~~~

Mira's P.O.V
I got all of the girls here and now for the important part, the part where we talk before going to sleep. I turned off all the lights and turned on a small projector that projected a starry night sky, I heard a rustle. I took a deep breath "Who wants to start?" Erza asks, I stretch my arms out in front of me "I will... who do you like? Levy, go." I say "What? Why me?" She asked "Because. Go!" I say, she then responded "Gajeel." We all said it with her "Is it obvious?!?!" She asked alarmed "To us, yeah. To him, the oblivious iron idiot, no." Lucy says for us "Why is he the iron idiot?" Wendy asks "Cause Natsu is the big Flaming Idiot." I inform, we all laugh "Levy, choose someone." There was a silent moment "Lucy... though I think we can all guess who." I heard an alarmed squeal from Lucy "N-Natsu..." I giggled softly "Hmmm... so we could have guessed..." Erza stated "W-What!?!?" Lucy exclaimed, Lizzie was laughing like an idiot "We all thought that you guys liked each other but we weren't sure because you guys are best friend!" Wendy chirped. We all hummed in agreement while Lucy sputtered nonsense, Liz stopped her giggle fit to agree. Lucy stopped then spoke "Erza." She chose, Erza had no hesitation "Jellal." We all just stayed silent "What?" Erza asked "Nothing, we're just savoring this sweet, sweet moment." I heard Aid laugh. Then I heard Liz fangirling... I'm so close to fangirling too, I wait "Liz." I hear our young teen go silent "N-n-nooooooooooo............ Lizzie Averin is not available, please leave your message at the tone. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep." We all laughed "Oh, come off it Liz!" I exclaim "Fiiiiiiiine... I like this guy in my homeroom..." dead silence "I'm kidding, I like Jack!" THANK MAVIS!!!! "YAAAAAAAAAY!" Aid and I exclaim. I could feel everyone else sweatdropping... I don't care! Liz cleared her throat "Wendy, how about you????? Hmmm??? Also what was Mavis taking about????" We all heard the pre teen stutter "Mavis was asking me about if I had told you guys that I like Romeo..." we all cooed at the young mage. She stuttered more then blurted out "Juvia!" We all heard her go on and on about Gray until I stopped her "Who do you pick?" There was another silence "Juvia picks Aideen." There was a rustle "All of you know that I like Grian, I mean... you were all here on the first day." We all agreed with her except for me, Erza, Liz, and Wendy. I tackled Aid "Tell meh!" She laughed and explained it to me, that's it! I'm fangirling!!!!!!! There was a glorious moment... but it all came to a halt "Mirajane Strauss... who do you like?" It was Aideen, I could just feel her smirking into the darkness right now... I gulped "L-Laxus..." sigh... now Aid is fangirling.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~Sunday at Noon~~~~~

Laxus's P.O.V

Mira was spamming me with confession quotes and fangirling... now she's spamming me with shipping plans.......... this is going to be a long day.

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