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"Hey mom it's me." I smile into the phone, despite the fact that she can't see me. I walk around my tiny apartment as we talk mindlessly for an hour.

Four years ago when she found out what was going on at home, she adopted me. She's been my mother ever since.

"Today's your twentieth birthday!" She squeals loudly. I hold the phone away from my ear. "What are you gonna do?" I smile at the excitement in her voice.

"Larissa's taking me to Fair." I say plainly, I don't really enjoy celebrating my birthday and they both know that.

"Well that sounds like fun." I shrug, then realizing that she can't see me I add in a quick 'ya'. Our conversation slowly dies out and soon after we say our goodbyes. I hang up and head to take a shower.

As I wrap myself in a towel I hear a knock on my door. Cautiously I peek through the peeping hole and see and bouncing Larissa standing there. I unlock the door and she instantly bursts in.

"Come in, come in." I say sarcastically.

"Why the hell aren't you dressed yet? We're leaving soon!" She yells excitedly. It's kinda a long drive to the fair and I know that she'll just be twitching the entire time.

"Ok I'll get dressed right now, give me thirty minutes. I say softly.

I quickly pull on some shorts and a top, doing my make up as Larissa chatters in my ear

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I quickly pull on some shorts and a top, doing my make up as Larissa chatters in my ear. I scratch the head of my little kitty, Loki, and grab my keys.

"Come on, lets go." We hop into her chipping purple car and speed down the road. I paint my nails black mindlessly, humming along to the radio.

"Sooooooo..." She says suddenly. I look up from my nails.

"What." I deadpan. She shakes her head.

"Your date last night?" I look back down at my nails and continue to paint.

"Not for me." I say plainly. She rolls her eyes and sighs loudly.

"Did you even give him a chance?" She asks loudly. I flinch back a little.

"Not really no."

"El!" She yells. I finish with my nails and slam the bottle into the cup holder.

"He wasn't the one!" I yell back. It grows quiet for about two minutes.

"He's not coming back..." she whispers. I look out my window.

"I know."

"You have to get this image of the perfect guy out of your head cause he won't be there. He's been gone for four years." She says softly. I shake my head.

"I know." I say again. We stay quiet the rest of the time. An hour later we reach the Fair. Larissa bounces out of the car.

"Come on!" She says excitedly. I smile and follow her, having to jog to keep up. As soon as we get in we go and find some funnel cake. After devouring that we head to some rides. I laugh like crazy as she tries to win a big stuffed bear, failing badly.

"Come on let's go on the roller coaster!" I squeal. We run towards the line which was surprisingly long.

"I'm gonna go and get us a small snack, I'll be right back." Larissa says happily. I nod my head and watch as she climes over the chain. I analyze the people walking by as always. I like to try and give them a background story. I catch myself staring at everyone. I step forward to the rhythm of the moving line and continue to make up little stories of people in my head.

Glancing to the side I catch a glimpse of a man. Familiarity sends little shocks through my body. Larissa steps back over the chain.

"I got you some starburst." She says handing me the box. It slips through my fingers and slams into the floor. "What the fuck El?" She questions, bending down to pick up the box. I continue to stare at the back of this mans head.

"Does he look familiar to you?" I ask in a shaky voice. She looks around cluelessly.

"Who?" I watch in fear as he starts to walk away.

"No no no no no." I mutter as I climb under the chain and start running after him. People bump into me at every direction. I can't see over all of their heads. "I'm not letting you go again." I say in determination as I start shoving everyone out of my way. Calls of protest trail after me but I ignore them all. Having one goal in mind I let nothing stop me as I move as a human shield through the obstacle course of people.

Once I'm past the huge crowd I continue to run. I can't see him anymore. Panic consumes me. I run in any and every direction. I spin in a circle for something, anything. Not wanting to just stand here I continue to run. Suddenly I slam into someone.

"Sorry, excuse m-"

His perfect, godlike face appears in front of me. I stop abruptly.

"It's you." I breathe out. My heart pounding wildly, either from the running or seeing him again.

"Do I know you?"

And just like that my heart shatters. I've worshipped him all these years.

Don't be stupid of course he doesn't remember me. I was just some low life girl who wasn't even brave enough to fight off her foster brother... and foster dad, and all his friends. But no one knew about that, thankfully.

I realize I haven't said anything for a while. What do I do? Tell him and risk him thinking I'm just a little girl or start fresh.

"Sorry." I smile brightly. He gives me a sideways glance.

"Just watch it next time ok little girl." He snaps.

"Excuse me?" Why can't I ever keep my mouth shut?

"You heard what I said." He calls over his shoulder, waiting in line for a pretzel or something. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Ya I did, I was just giving you a chance to correct yourself."

He slowly turns around with his eyebrows raised, giving me a look that confirms my thoughts. I shouldn't of said that.

"Did you just talk back to me? Do you know who I am?" He says through clenched teeth. I nod.

"Ya, a world class jerk." I say back. Well this isn't going as I had hoped.

"I don't know who you are but you better be careful. That big mouth of your is gonna get you in a lot of trouble someday." He says stepping impossibly closer. My breath hitches and I feel my cheeks glow red. His eyes trail over my face, studying me. Almost like something as changed his face softens ever so slightly. I'm not sure why but I didn't miss the look in his eyes as he continues to study me.

I jump a little as his hand finds it's way to my hip and trails back towards my butt.

"What do you think your doing." I say with a strong voice. He snatches my phone from my back pocket. Am I getting robbed?

I open and close my mouth as he grabs my hand and uses my thumb to unlock the phone. I don't know what to do I'm just so shocked. He goes types something into my phone, handing it back to me and walking away.

I stare down at the bright screen in shock. Did he really just put his contact in my phone? After we were arguing and I called him a jerk?

I can't help but smile a little. My hero, as rude as he is, is back.

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