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I chip at my nail polish nervously. Setting down my bag I sit down and look out the window. Me and Noah had agreed to meet here after discovering we both lived pretty close to each other. I twirl one of my curls mindlessly.

"So, what do you recommend?" Noah says suddenly, coming out of nowhere and sitting down. I jump a little at his quick appearance.

"Sugar powder donut. Their the best. You know they use a special power?" I say with a smile. He watches me curiously.

"Oh really? What's so special about it?" I rest my elbows on the table and my head on my hands.

"I have no idea. My roommate thinks it a cocaine." I say jokingly. His eyebrows raise.

"You have a roommate."

"Yes actually, two."

"Ahhh, isn't that a little hectic? Three girls in one house." I shake my head.

"One girl, two guys. And it's an apartment actually. Their both out visiting family right now so I've got the place to myself." He smiles.

"Oh of course, my bad." I laugh lightly. "What do you say we go an order." He offers. We stand in line before buying a dozen. "Are sure we're going to finish all of these?" I shrug.

"You'd be surprised how much I can put away."

"I'll hold you to that."

The rest of the time was perfect. We finished all of the donuts and went to walk around the mall for a while. He was very flirty, but in a friendly way. Like it was just his personality.

"So..." he grumbles as I sip on a lemonade. I raise my head to see his staring at me intently. We're currently sitting in the food court.

"So." I echo.

"You know, you look very familiar to me." He says curiously. I pray I look calm and collect as I respond.


"Ya there's just something about you that's familiar."

"Oh" Is my lame response.

"Well, we should get going. I have somewhere to be at five." He says with a smile. My eyes widen. It's five already? Those six hours just flew by with him.

"Plans?" He grimaces.

"Ya, my girlfriend wants me to meet her parents." I stop halfway through throwing away my trash. What is with this guy and breaking my heart?

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Ya, it's an arranged thing. Our parents have been planning it since we were baby's." He says grimly.

"You don't sound too happy." I blurt out on accident. He looks at me with raised eyebrows, letting me know I crossed the line. "I-I mean you just sound annoyed." I try to save.

"I think it's too soon to meet her parents but she insists."

"Oh. Wait, how do you not know them already?"

"My parents were friends with them a long time ago and keep in touch but I myself have never met them. And now that me and their daughter have been dating for two years..." My eyes widen.

"Two years? Boy you should be proposing by now!" I quickly realize my mistake. Don't give him any ideas! I pretend to laugh. "I'm joking."

He relaxes.

"I'll drive you home." He says calmly. I shake my head.

"It's totally fine, I can walk home."

"I would never leave you out on the streets alone." He says seriously. My eyes widen again. Does he remember me? Does he know who I am? Why did he say it like that?

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