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"I don't believe you! How could you just run away like that? Are you crazy? Do you know how worried I was? No of course you don't cause you were only thinking about yourself. God I just wanna strang-"

"Larissa!" I snap, cutting her off. She stops and watches me with wide eyes. "He's back." I say with a nod.

"Who?" I don't respond, I don't have to. I watch as realization washes over her face. "Elodie your being crazy. First you ran off without telling me where or why and now your saying the man who appeared then disappeared 4 years ago is back." I nod, confirming what she said. "Well let me guess, he swooped you up into his arms and confessed his undying love for you also." I shake my head slowly.

"Well actually no, he was quite rude in fact." I say looking down. She nods her head.

"Oooooooo ok." She says sarcastically. "So did he remember you?" I shake my head. "Well then how do you know it's him?"

"Because I just know." I snap.

"But you don't know for sure, it's been four years, El." She says sternly. I shake my head in disbelief.

"I know you've never supported my decisions, but I never though you would become this closed minded. I think it's time to go home." I don't look at her, just the setting sun behind her. The beautiful view of the Ferris wheel making me sad.

"I think your right..." she whispers.

The ride home was awkward, no one said anything. A low buzz of some stupid country song tempted me to hum but I was in no mood. I used my thumb nail to pick as the paint on my other fingers, a habit of mine. When we finally reached my apartment I quickly unbuckled and headed towards the front door.

"Elodie!" I don't turn around but instead quicken my pace. Making it into my apartment safely I plop down onto the small, stiff couch.

I stare down at my screen longingly. I wish to call, but it's late and too soon. I finally notice the little name at the top of the screen. Noah... A suitable name for him.

A knock on my door snaps me out of it. "Ya hold on!" I yell. Turning off my phone and hiding it under the couch cushion. Like having his number was a forbidden act that must remain unknown.

I glance through the peeping hole and am relieved to see my mom standing there, a stewpot in her hands. I smile, swinging the door open.

"Come to cook for me?" I ask cheekily. She smiles back.

"Actually yes. You need some meat on your bones." I smile with amusement. She's been saying that for four years. I eat now. Now that I'm safe. Now that I'm no longer alone. But she still worries.

I watch as she chops up the vegetables from my fridge. She hums happily.

"Mom it's 1am, what are you doing here." She turns around.

"Cooking stew, open your eyes El." She jokes. I smile.

"How did you know I was awake?"

"Your always awake." I shift uncomfortably. I have nightmares every night. The fear of having to go back to go back keeping me up.

"I guess that's true." I mutter. I walk to the bedroom and put on my pajama shorts and the tattered shirt we were forced to wear in high school PE.

"Um Elodie?" I walk back into the living room and take in the scene. Mom is staring down at my softly vibrating couch cushion. She gives me an amused smirk.

"Uh ya I was watch a scary movie." I shrug awkwardly like it's the most casual thing.

"On your phone?"

"Well where else would I watch it?" She turns around to look at my tv in the corner of the room, then back at me. Her eyebrow raises in question. "Um I-man I'm hungry. Is that stew ready? I'm starved." I say awkwardly and start walking towards the kitchen, tripping and stumbling along the way.

"Ooookkkkkkaaaaaayyyyy." She drags out. She goes back to the stove and continues to cook her famous stew.

After adopting me she couldn't stand to think that she could make more mistakes like mine and quit, becoming a well known cook. It was good for my anorexia. All the food in the house. Soon enough I was a healthy weight. Due to the years of malnourishment and abuse I never really grew though. Staying stunted at the height of 5'1.

"Here you go." Mom says as she places a steaming bowl of stew in front of me. I quickly dig in, not caring that it burns my throat on the way down. "So, who is it?" I choke on my food, coughing up the chunk of meat lodged in my throat.

"What?" I finally manage to sputter out.

"I know you Elodie, your my daughter." I eat another spoonful. "Who is he, or her, I don't judge." I snort.

"It's not a girl, this time." I tease. She smiles and eats her food. "I met him at the fair today. He's perfect. A bit of a hot head, but perfect." I smile.

"I can't remember the last time you've smiled so brightly." I can.

"I don't think he likes me."

"But he talked to you." She says sassily.

"Well yes." Does it matter?

"So he can tolerate you, that's a start."

"Wow thanks mom." She laughs whole heartedly.

"I'm saying he tolerates you, he's willing to talk to you. That's a start, now you finish it." She winks. She finished scrubbing out the stew pot and gives me a kiss on the cheek as she leaves.

Retrieving my phone I quickly pull up Noah's contact.

'You like donuts?'

"Really Elodie? Donuts?" I say to myself. I glance at the time. 2:45. I'm beyond surprised to get a text back right away. I was expecting to get one back in the morning, or not at all.

'I love donuts'

Maybe I'm smoother than I thought.

'Well then how would you feel about going to get some tomorrow? Well I guess it would be later today'

God I'm an idiot.

'It's a plan, goodnight small girl'

'It's Elodie.'

'I like that. Goodnight, Elodie.'

I smile down at my phone. Maybe mom was right. It is a start.

Saving Herحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن