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My phone began going off. It was my alarm. Thank God I set one before I went to sleep or else I would've slept until time to leave. I got up and trudged downstairs. I opened the fridge and grabbed a cold coffee. Also thank God once more, that my mom bought these or else I would literally sleep all the time. Heading back up the stairs I sipped my coffee and mentally planned my outfit.
I looked through my closet and found the perfect dress. I picked my white dress with thin straps and a high neck. I paired it with another silver clutch and a necklace. (Pic below) (also note that that isn't Alana, just her dress).

I hopped in the shower and turned my music on

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I hopped in the shower and turned my music on. After I showered I blow dried my hair the proceeded to curl it with a wand. My makeup was simple. A couple swipes of mascara and some lip stick. Usually I don't wear any makeup only for special occasions like this and prom. My white heels and dress along with my accessories were sitting on my bed. I slipped my clothes and shoes on and headed once again down the stairs.
My mom sent me the information as to where I was supposed to go and what time I needed to be there. I swung myself into my new jeep (ITS SO PRETTY) and turned my music on. Taking the directions my mom gave me I arrived at the restaurant just on time. I walked in the restaurant with a bounce in my step. I just graduated and that definitely added to my already confident personality. My family sat and waited at a large table placed under a carefully hung crystal chandelier.
The restaurant was a beautiful building with a garden out front and fountains inside. Usually my family came here to celebrate birthdays. It was crazy expensive but I absolutely loved it. The food was to die for. Dully noted that this would be yet another thing I'd miss while I was in Florida.
Everyone stood up and hugged me. We exchanged hello's and talked about college. Finally we got to order. The food, as usual, was amazing!
About and hour later, we finished eating and everyone began to part ways. I stayed behind with my two aunts, the only fun people in my family. We had planned going to the drive in and just taking it easy. They told me that I needed to enjoy the peaceful few weeks I had before I began the hectic rat-race that is college. I had a feeling college wasn't going to be that bad though.
We went to the drive in movie theatre and saw 2 movies. It was great but by the time the two movies were over I was dead. All I wanted to do was go to sleep but my aunts wouldn't let me.

"We have something else to do." Aunt Sheila claimed.

"And you'll love it!" Aunt Maya said cheerfully.

We drove down to the beach where they had set up a camp spot. It was beautiful and there was already a campfire. I knew we would spend the night talking about life, tonight was going to be great.

The next day

I woke up in the small orange tent. The other tent had a faint snoring sound drifting out of it. Aunt Sheila always did snore I thought. The fire that was blazing the night before was now just glowing coals. It was already pretty warm. Today was going to be a hot day I could tell. I got up and walked down to the ocean, walking in it up to my ankles taking in all it's beauty. Soon after, I came back up to camp as my aunts arose from their peaceful sleep.
After packing up and getting breakfast at my favorite diner, Danny's diner, they dropped me back off at my house. I walked in feeling refreshed from the peaceful beach sleep I had. I walked over to grab some coffee and heard someone shuffling down the stairs.

"Hey William!" I said cheerfully as my younger brother approached me. He grabbed the coffee out of my hand and plopped down at the marble island in our kitchen.

"Long night?" I asked. I assumed that William had been to a party the night before. Him and I were polar opposites. He partied all the time and skipped school, not to mention that he was failing junior year! Oh well I still love him.

"Yeah you could say that." He mumbled.

"Welllll, I was thinking maybe we could hang out today.I am leaving in a couple weeks you know." I was really gonna miss him so I wanted to devote at least one day to him.

"Sure why not." He said with a surprisingly genuine smile. He likes to act tough and act like he doesn't need his big sis, but I could tell he was gonna miss me.

After talking a while we decided that we were going to paddle board at our lake house and just chill there. I drove us up to the log cabin sitting next to the lake. It was beautiful, add that to the list of things I'll miss.

A couple hours later we were both tired, sun burnt, and hungry. We ordered Hawaiian pizza, Italian cheesy bread, and two sweet teas. (🤤)

After we ate we made a fire and laid on the giant couch in front of the fire place.

"You know I'm really going to miss you Alana." William said

"Well I'm going to miss you too, even your atrocities... I'll probably miss those the most." I chuckled while holding back tears. I love Will a lot. When times get rough we always go to eachother. I hope him and I stay close even after I leave.
We sat there for hours, half the time in nostalgic, peaceful silence; the other half talking about our childhood. Slowly I felt myself drift into a calm sleep.

The dream
I was with Jack. We were at the place  where he asked me out. Suddenly it began pouring rain. Jack started to walk away

"Wait don't leave, I can't stay in the rain." I cried out.

"I'm sorry Alana, but this is goodbye."

" What if I drown?!" I yelled

"I guess that's your problem." Jack said as he disappeared and left me soaking in the pouring rain.

Real life

I woke up with a tear streaming down my face. The sun was shining brightly through the wall of windows. I could smell coffee which meant Will was awake. But what did that dream mean? Or am I over analyzing? Oh well I'll just shake it off.

I walked over and sat next to William, this time taking his coffee. I sure would miss this kid.

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