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One week later
I had spent the week mostly with my family and William. Last night Layla, my best friend, had spent the night and we had stayed up talking for hours. Also some dancing was involved but you guys don't need the cringy details. I had 4 days until I left so now I was just going to spend the time packing and buying things I would need.

Layla left and I began going through what little makeup I had. Might as well start easy I thought. I heard my phone begin to go off. It was a phone call from Jackson.

Phone call

"Hello?"I answered

"Hey babe, would you want to meet at the park?" Jack asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Sure!" I said trying to send him some good vibes.

"Ok... bye." He replied

End of phone call

With that I heard I click, he hung up without saying I love you. That's weird. I decided to stay in the shorts and t-shirt I had on. I slipped on my jogging shoes and jogged to the park. It was about a mile away and I could use the run.
Several minutes later I arrived at the park and Jack was sitting on a bench with a gloomy look on his face. Wow ok something is definitely wrong.

"Hey babe!" I said running over to him and hugging him.

"Hey." He said in a monotone voice.

We sat in silence for a while and the sky grew darker.

"So...." I said because the silence had become to much, the looming rain cloud had me rethinking my decision to run here.

"Ok so I have to say something but I don't really know how to say it. "

"Jack you can say anything to me it's fine babe..." I answered.

"Alana, I'm breaking up with you." He dropped the bomb in a hesitant voice and gave me a look of pity as he but his lip. He always bit his lip when he felt nervous.

Wow ok he isn't joking he's actually done with me. How. Why? I thought he loved me.

"Why?" I spoke my words slowly and heavily as I looked deep into his eyes trying to find the answers I would never get. I felt this pain in my chest and almost raised my hand to clench it.

"You're going to be miles and miles away and I think it's time we get out of our comfort zone, see someone else." He used his sweetest voice this time. He never could stand to see me cry.

I have to be strong... I can't cry. I thought. But I was not very successful with that. Soon hot tears rolled violently down my cheeks. I began shaking and the world stopped, because I was losing my world.
I loved him, I gave him everything, but now he's moving on.
I thought in that moment about how he held me at night. He would wrap his long arms around me and hold on so tight I couldn't move. I thought about how it felt to have his fingers intertwined with mine and how he would run his thumb up and down my hand. I couldn't lose him, because I would lose a part of me.

"Alana?" He said clearly confused by my long period of silence.

"Well Jack I never really thought this day would come. I want you to know that I love you and I will never stop loving you. I hope you're happy." I choked out as tears rolled off my face.

I got up and walked away then broke into a sprint, I couldn't go home now so I headed to the best place I could think of, the beach. The beach always made me feel good. There's just something about the endless pull of the tide.

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