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Lucas and I stayed at the landfill for a long time. After a while longer of talking,Luke helped me a lot. At first he was just a shoulder to cry on then he finally recalled how he recently had his heart broken too. He told me about this girl that broke up with him and gave him no reason why. She just left him. He said that he loved her and planned the rest of his life with her. He also said that it was the best thing that could've happened to him. It changed him and now he was free spirited, not tied down.
Him telling me this made me realize that I too was no longer tied down. I didn't have to run my plans by anyone. I could do whatever I wanted and I was hell bent on making this new life a great one.
A while after we felt bad for ourselves Lucas brought me back up. He told me the honest truth, which I needed to hear. Luke was good for me. I loved him, in a friendly brother way, I think...

"Well we've been here too long." I chuckled now feeling better but my eyes were still red from crying.

"I agree." Luke said looking over at me and smiling.

"Let's get frozen yogurt, it's on me."

"Well if you're paying.." Luke laughed this time.

We made our way back to my jeep and I suddenly felt a lot better.
I finally, officially let go of my baggage. This was the literal new beginning. It was time to redo my life. I couldn't forget my past, that's what made me. But I could let it go and move on.
Luke and I freestyled  the whole way to the yogurt surprises me that a couple of white kids could rap so good! When we arrived Luke piled on the toppings and I just went with a lot of fudge. We ate then headed for some shops along the boardwalk.
It was time to pick out my new wardrobe. Everything I had before was a little too put together.
We stopped at a bunch of tourist places that had tie dye shirts and hoodies, cutoffs and cut out shirts. Then we went to some hippie shops that had the boho vibe. Lastly we stopped at an awesome skate shops.

The skate shop we went to was called Zoomies. It was amazing. There were Thrasher shirts, Obey shirts, Alien shirts. It was the best. Not to mention the skateboards in the back and the half pipe outside. I spent a good $300 at that store. It was ridiculous.
Luke and I walked up to the checkout and when he saw the amount his jaw dropped.

"How tf can you afford that?" He choked out.

"My parents gave me a credit card, and I figured I'd use it" I said with a mischievous smirk on my face.

I of course would get a job and slowly pay them back but it was nice to have money to spend for now.
Luke and I walked out to the half pipe. There were a couple guys dropping in. A tall guy with blond dreds, and a taller guy with black hair. One of them looked over at Luke and I, then wiped out.

Lucas and I were cracking up and the guys walked over.

"You think it's funny?" The guy that wiped out asked.

"A little." I winked.

"Well why don't you give it a shot." The same guy challenged returning my smirk.

These past few days I've practiced a lot at the skatepark with Luke but I was no professional. Oh well I like proving a cocky guy wrong so I'll give it a shot.

"Challenge accepted." I smirked.

I grabbed the board out of the wipeout guy's hand and climbed up the half pipe.

It was a fairly big pipe but I was confident. I dropped in and time slowed down. I loved skating. The feeling of the wind on my skin and the rush of adrenaline I got every time my feet hit the skateboard. It's hard to explain but it was amazing as usual.
I road better this time than I ever have. It was incredible. The two guys had their jaw on the ground but Luke just stood there arms crossed with a smile on his face. As if to say "that's my girl". I slid down the pipe and pushed the board into the challengers chest.
Luke and I walked away but this time I had a burst of confidence in my step. Nothing like showing a couple guys what some girls are capable of.

About 2 hours later

It was now about 10 pm now. Luke and I had gone out to eat yet again and shopped a little more in the two hours after zoomies. It was amazing. I felt completely different now, with my new wardrobe and new outlook on life. I felt like anything was possible.
Luke and I were just sitting in the sand on the beach enjoying the night talking. It was amazing. I wanted everyday to end like this.

" that's when I threw up." Luke choked out.

"Oh my God!" I bursted out in a fit of laughter. Tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard.

"I know!" Luke said.

At this point Luke and I were leaning on our arms in the sand cracking up. This is exactly what I've wanted my whole life.
All I wanted was to let loose and to have fun, to live life in today. Not tomorrow. This moment showed me life's worth, and what I had to look forward to.
As our laughter died down, we gazed out on the beautiful night sky and calm ocean. The tide had risen quit a bit since we arrived at the beach. It was truly beautiful.
I stood up and took off my shirt and shorts, at first making a horrified look plaster across Lukes face, but then revealing a black bikini.

"What's wrong? Do you really think I'd strip for you?" I joked as I looked at Luke's relieved face.

"Hey we both know you would." He teased.

I laughed and walked down to the water. This spur of the moment type of thing is what life is truly about ; not the well planned out organized crap. That's no fun at all.
I walked in the water and dove head first into a wave that was yet to crash. After swimming out a bit further the water got calmer and I floated taking in the all of the life change and everything that was yet to come, life was good and I couldn't help the smile that strung across my face.

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