Chapter 3: The motel

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"Ruby? Ruby! Are you alright?"

I groaned as I sat up, eyes rapidly adjusting to the dimly lit room. Seeing that I was awake, Toby launched himself at me, wrapping his wiry arms around my neck, engulfing me in a bone-crunching embrace. As he murmured what sounded like 'thank God' and you're alive' to himself.

Being in this situation hadn't affected Toby the way it changed me. My gray eyes were surrounded by shadows from a lack of sleep and looked empty and haunted. I was pale and permanently looked sad. Toby, however, still looked as if he had never faced years of suffering for whatever reason.

"Toby," I said, heaving myself off of the surprisingly comfortable desk I had been stretched across. "What happened to your feet?"

His feet were black with dirt, covered in tiny cuts, burns and other marks. He shrugged it off. "I got a few burns, nothing too serious, it was from the fire and something cut them. I'm fine, seriously."

"If you say so," I sighed, noticing him wincing in muted pain as he moved to the window with a slight limp. "But you don't look too fine."

He ignored me and fixed his gaze on something outside. I strolled across the room and absorbed my surroundings, trying to piece together our location.

We sat quietly side by side, wondering where we were going to live.  

"Toby do you have anywhere for us to stay at?" I questioned.

"We are going to be staying at my friends' house for a couple of weeks." He replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, but what about our clothes and personal belongings?"

"I don't know yet but we will eventually figure something out in the meantime"

I leaned on his broad shoulders unknowingly. They give me protection and safeness without them I would be lost and confused.

"When is it safe to go?" I questioned.

"The doctor said you can leave as soon as you fill out the paperwork," Toby said while gazing at the window. I jerked hearing the door crack open. It was the nurse. She was hard-looking and really buff her anger showed in her cloudy dark gray eyes and the most uneasy grin. She slammed the papers that created a pile on the desk for us to sign. She stood there waiting to take it back I gave her the 'I don't like you' face and she smudged her lips into a doggy growl I remembered that face since being in the hospital very well.

Before>> I sat on the edge of this ice cold mattress bending against the desk to sign the paper. It does not feel like home for I have only been here a couple of days I think. There was only one blanket and the nurse refused to give me an extra sheet.. -She is a cold-hearted bitch. It matches with her pharmacy blonde hair and flat chest. She looks anorexic, why isn't she in here with me?

- Anyways, I remember curling up into a ball every night to keep myself warm.

After handing her the papers Toby and I checked out and headed to the car empty-handed.

We decided to stay in a motel for the day since the drive would take longer and leave the next to go to a friends or family home. We booked a stay at the closest Motel for a really cheap price.

The car ride was not so long from the hospital. I had no intentions of falling asleep. Well, that's nice. Toby went at 80 mph and stopped at a gas station every other hour. We drove on a dusty highway and raised the windows. I was really bored, and tired.

A few hours later we found the motel. When I first walked into that place, I did have to admit, okay, it was quite quaint. No modern furnishings, no automated doors. Lots of dark, oily portraits of agonizing saints and avenging angels glaring down at us from the walls. It had scary written all over it. And the worst thing, no air conditioning! Truly a sin. I looked around and there was a strange looking man behind the counter glaring at us. This gentleman makes you think of a billowing sandstorm. He has narrow brown eyes that are like two discs of wood. His silky, straight, gray hair is medium-length and is worn in a carefully-crafted, exotic style. He is very tall though. He has a domed forehead. His wardrobe is classy and revealing, with a mostly black and white color scheme.

"Hello, um we booked a room here and we were just wondering where our rooms would be for tonight?" I asked

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"Hello, um we booked a room here and we were just wondering where our rooms would be for tonight?" I asked.

"Room 309 follow me," The man said with the darkest vivid voice.

He showed us to our rooms for the night hallway after hallway. As soon as the man opened the door a fly flew out giving me an eerie feeling. There were clothes in the bathroom well pampered for us to get suited in along with fuzzy black slippers. 

After settling and taking short baths in the old small motel shower we headed for bed. Toby went to sleep right after. I was still up looking around mostly staring at the ceilings. This made me freaking paranoid. I was on edge all the time as if he would suddenly jump out from behind a corner or something. A few times, I could've sworn that I saw something out of the corner of my eye, but as soon as I turned to face it, It disappeared. I figured it must just be aftermath from the shock, but a small part of me didn't believe that. 

The same small part that almost kept me up all night wondering what exactly what happened before the fire. Suddenly, someone hugged me from the side, and I freaked out, thinking something found me. I relaxed when I recognized Toby was right by me.

"Why aren't you going to sleep?"Toby questioned. I didn't say anything but just laid down and let his grip comfort me. 

Soon he drifted off into a deep sleep. A sense of loneliness crept over me.

 A sense of loneliness crept over me

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