Chapter 4: Unraveling

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After several hours of staring at the ceiling I slept profoundly, but how long I do not know. All at once I found myself awake, and filled with a shuddering expectancy. All was still. All but my own heart -- I could hear it beat. Presently the bed- clothes began to slip away slowly toward the foot of the bed, as if some one were pulling them. I could not stir; I could not speak. Still the blankets slipped deliberately away, till my breast was un- covered. Then with a great effort I seized them and drew them over my head. I waited, listened, waited. Once more that steady pull began, and once more I lay torpid a century of dragging seconds till my breast was naked again. I roused my energy and snatched the covers back to their place and held them with a strong grip. I waited.

The movement has stopped but I can now hear voices coming from the outside hallway. It was a tune that was so familiar to my ears. Presently I then heard a heavy footstep the step of heals, it seemed to be outside the door.

When my excitement had calmed, I lay thinking it over until I convinced myself that it was a dream, and then a comforting laugh relaxed my lips. In distant parts of the building I heard the muffled slamming of doors. It was probably the guy from the lobby I thought.

I turned my head gazing at Toby sleeping peacefully and quietly while I was stuck listening​ to ominous noises. I slid a pair of slippers on and tiptoed to the door and pressed my ears against the door and waited for more noises. None. I silently turned the knob to open the rusty doors to give me a preview of what the sounds was.

The long hallway was dirty with white stained floors that made me flinch with discuss. "Ewwwwwwww"

I turned my head to both sides of the hallway nothing was shown.

I can't go back in the room I just can't. I thought to myself.

No you need too go to sleep you have a long drive ahead of you.

I have to find out what the noises were about.

I debated for hours if I should go and find out what the noises were but my wits told me that I should at least know if the lobbyist was bringing another person to sleep here.

I walked with my slippers barely touching the ground and reached the lobby. The guy was standing at the front desk gazing at the door with a smirk. What a creep.

I walked up to him and looked directly at his well defined face figure.

"Excuse me were you the one outside our door?" I questioned shyly.

His blank expression was not changed he soon gave his undivided attention to me.

"I can assure you that no one was up there. I was standing here and nobody passed through. Your probably not getting enough sleep." He gestured me to my room.

I looked at him but didn't show any emotional expression.

"Fine whatever I'll go to sleep."

He looked back at the door and opened his mouth"Good night."

I walked back to my room silently talking about how his unfriendly remarks were.

"What a jerk. Who does he think he is?"

I struggled to open the door but it soon managed to budge. Unfortunately Toby was still sleeping it was five in the morning and we leave at six.
I had an hour to get a shut eye. I threw the slippers on the opposite corner from the bed.

I then positioned the blankets and soon slid in the sheets along with Toby.

I then closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. All I could see was the vivid image from when I was smaller.

A happy family is a family that has a deep sense of meaning and purpose in lives. Even though Toby is going to be here for me I still miss my parents it's not really easy for me to just forget about them. My life soon changed when they died it's just not the same anymore.

The memories came rushing back making me twist and turn.

Soon enough I felt a pair of hands on my arms shaking me to wake up I jerked away and lifted my fingers to cascade through my hair.

"Come on Ruby it's time to go."

"Time to go where?"I questioned with tiredness revolting in my tone.

"We have to get back on the road we have a long way ahead of us." Toby said while shifting himself off the bed.

I soon stood up engulfing myself to take a shower. I pushed away the velvet dirty curtains, I drew back the bolts and open the door to the bathroom. It was close to fall again now and the weather was freezing compared to our old home.

I tried setting the water to the hottest temperature and hung my towel along the edges of the shower. I stooped over the water,feeling widely happy. I was myself again, not a zombie.

My hair flew over my shoulders I closed my eyes in ecstasy, imagining that I was sitting on the beach at home with my parents and boyfriend, and the wind blowing waves racing and the water calling me.

Then I heard footsteps that were bound to be Toby's. I forgot to breath and cursed myself for being stupid. I grabbed my clothes and quickly ruggedly put them on.

"Whats going on in there we need to go check out."

"OK i'm coming," I said furiously collecting the stuff that was on the sink.

I swung opened the door to find no Toby. I soon left the room to go to the main entrance to find Toby resting his arms against a nearby table.

"Did I take that long to get ready?"

"Yeah, we should start heading out," I said uncomfortably.

I waved at the man behind the desk and he glared at me with unsuspecting eyes with that made me shiver and bolt for the car door.

There was a long way to go but the trip is soon to be worth it.

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