Ch. 15

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~Readers Pov~

"Fine pronged seal!" Orchimaru shouted, "No!" Naruto went limp under orchimaru's grasp, He flung Naruto.

"Do something, damn it!" I yelled at them, Sakura takes out a kunai and throws it at him catching Naruto's shirt and pinning him to the tree. "What Is wrong with you sasuke?!" Sakura actually scolded Sasuke, Wow, I wish I could of got that on some sort of recording device. Sakura fumed in anger now, "Okay! You know what? Your always looking down on Naruto but- But at least he's doing something!" She yelled out, I smiled a bit and whispered, "Y-yeah...You tell him..." Sasuke snapped back to his normal self, "No!" He yelled, His sharingan is activated and his hair started to float upwards. Orchimaru sent his snake back to wherever the frick summonings go.

Sasuke went into battle stance and Orchimaru followed in suit, Sasuke ran at him with a kunai in his mouth.

~Timeskip brought to you by Naruto dancing with sasuke!~

Orchimaru made a handsign, His head detached itself again and he inhumanly mad eits away to sasuke and bit his neck. "No...." I winced at the pain and held my neck again. "Thank you~ I will be leaving now." He dissolves into the ground, Sakura runs over to me and helps me up, She places me next to a still conscious, He looks towards me painfully, "D-did...He bite your...N-neck to...?" He shakily asks, I nod my head in disappointment, I grasp my neck tighter as I inhale and exhale loudly, My breathing slows done to match my heart beat, Sasuke's eyes start to close as do mine, I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier, "Don't die w-while I'm out, O-okay?" I weakly say to Sakura as she nods with tears at the brim in her eyes. My eyes fully close not a moments later then Sasuke's and we fall backwards onto the ground.

I feel myself being lifted up and being placed back on the ground, It shouldn't be long before I wake up so I should just hang with fang.

(With the lil cutie fang!)

I walk down the familiar dimly lit hallways, I see a figure I know all to well, "Awe! Change into your human form!" I yell out so the wolf/dragon can hear me clearly due to his height, "Hai." He replies back and a large puff of smoke engulfs the current area, I see a boy walk out and wave, "Hi fang!" He waved back and jogged over, "My best guess of why you are here is your currently unconscious." I pout, "Well, Yeah but that's not important!" I whine, I guess me being around fang sorta eases me and allows my childish side to roam freely. "Here, With me, Time passes slow here but it's actually going pretty fast in the real world which means you've been here for about 3 hours and it's time to wake up!" I frown, "Nooo!" The real world is a big fat lie wrapped into a burrito!" I whine and slightly pout, My body fades and I try to claw the ground thinking that would save me from reality, "I don't want a burrito!" I yelled out, My body has completely fading away now.

I groan as I'm trying to open my eyes, Once I do I'm blinding by the sun's rays, "Oh sh*t! Bad idea, Bad idea I tell you!" I squeeze my eyes shut until I'm adjusted to the light, (Lol, Your so emo Y/n x3) I look around and see that I'm in a cave of some sort that has openings on the side, I see Sakura beside me looking at me worriedly, I gasp and hold my neck as the pain comes back like I just came from hell and back. "Orchimaru's Curse mark hurts like hell!" I scream out in annoyance, "I Can't believe I left myself so vulnerable." I sighed, I looked over to Sakura, I try to sit up but I realize I cannot and that something is holding me down, I look over and see Naruto and Sasuke next to me with their arms wrapped around my waist in a protective manner, I smile to myself. I carefully unwarp their arms of me, Now Naruto was easy since his grip was loosened but Sasuke showed no mercy, "Get you arms-Hmpf!-Off me." I whisper yelled until I finally managed to pry his arms off.

I see Sakura about to doze off so I pat her shoulder, "Take a quick nap, I'll be on watch." I give a thumbs up, She shakes her head, "No your hurt and you need rest." She says and I simply shake my head right back at her, "No can do. My chakra is fully restored so no need to worry, A quick nap wouldn't hurt, Okay?" She hesitates before nodding and lying down on the ground sorta near sasuke but not to close. I sit in front of the cave while playing in the mud and drawing random things in it. Sakura flinches in her sleep, 'I guess she's having a nightmare, I don't blame her...'  I hear a rustling in the bushes and take battle stance while grabbing a kunai, A small creature pops out and I deadpan, "Really. Lamest trick in the book." I throw a kunai at the squirrel and it runs away, I hear a small explosion and smirk to myself. 

(Withhh Rock lee! The new and improved john cena! Du dud duuu!)

I'm jumping from branch to branch when I see twenty leaves falling to the ground, I take that as a challenge and hold my fist up excitedly, 'If I can catch all twenty of these leaves Y/n will start to like me, If I don't it will be unanswered love forever!'   I nod to myself determination rises up within me and my eyes light up with a flame in them. I jump down swiftly and start counting them.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight.....

Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen.

I land on a tree while stretching my back backwards, I wince slightly but catch the nineteenth leaf, "One more!" I get off the branch and dive after it just then I saw a squirrel on fire and quickly run there and take the flaming paper bomb off of it, 'This is called a paper bomb, It explodes after some time, Who would do such a thing?'

~Back 2 Y/n!~

Sakura stirs in her sleep until she wakes up, "Bad dream?" She just nods in reply, I sigh and stretch, "Did you set some traps while I was out?" Her eyes widened, "Did they get set off?" I shake my head, "I just saw something that looked like a rushed trap so I just figured." She heaves out a breath of relief, "Orchimaru said something about facing off with the sound ninja, We should expect company soon." She nods, We both look at Naruto and Sasuke, I sweatdrop, To pick any time to pass out, Why now? I question myself.


A/n : Taking the day off tomorrow so look forward to another chapter. (But since I usually post a new chapter everyday you should of already know that.) Will Y/n be able to contain the curse marks power or will she want more to avenge her clan and lost loved ones? How far is orchimaru willing to go just to get you back? There's no limits to what might happen.

So long for now Y/n.

Alex over and out~!

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