Ch. 20

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~Reader's Pov~

"Well shoot me in the head already. I didn't want to go this early, I wanted to recover some more but I guess my chakra is fully restored which could give me a advantage." I mumbled to myself trying to see through my situation. I swing my legs over the wall and flip in the air, Mostly to show I mean business, And land gracefully on the ground. I see a...

Girl, She's walking down the steps with a 'click, Clack' added to her every step, Her navy hair sways, She has teal eyes and she's wearing a blue turtle neck with a black leather jacket, "Hm. Props on the outfit." I said to her as she was walking down. (Picture of her bellow!)

"Mori was it?" She nods at me then smirks, 'Ah, She's a confident one then

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"Mori was it?" She nods at me then smirks, 'Ah, She's a confident one then.'  She waves her finger sassily at me, "Prepare to get beaten, Loser." My right eye twitches but I keep calm, "Let's go Y/n!" I hear Naruto yell, "You can do it Y/n!" I hear lee yell as well, "Don't give up!" Sakura yells to me. I smile at all of them and wave, I wink and stick my tongue out slightly, "Don't worry, Just sit back and watch."  They all nod and give a thumbs up, I see other teams cheering me on as well.

"Alright, whenever both of you are ready please let me know." The proctor says, I crack my knuckles and give a two fingered salute to the proctor to tell him I'm ready, "I'm ready as I'll ever be." I hear Mori say. 'I think I'll start with Taijutsu.'


I get into my battle stance, She runs towards me and throws a kick, I duck under her foot and nail her with my fist in her gut, She spats out blood and jumps back. She makes a hand sign, "Water style : Tidal wave." She says, A large portion of water forms into a wave and starts heading towards me, "Earth style : Absorption!" A pillar of dirt and stone rise out of the ground and absorbs the water, "I never thought that would come in handy." I tell myself out loud and chuckle, "Heh, Don't go getting to ego inflated." I deadpan, "Isn't that what you were doing?" She laughs me off and I just shrug, "My turn then." I smirk and put a one handed sign near my mouth and start doing multiple hand signs, Her eyes widened, "One handed signs?" She says out loud, "Heaven and hell : Split worlds!" I yell out, The area starts to shake, A demon arises from the left side and an angel arises from the right side, I beckon them over and they comply, "Nice to see your doing well Y/n." The angel says and I smile, "Do go easy on her, This is just a little battle." They nod, "So...No death?" I sigh and face palm, "Didn't I just say that?" I shoo them off and they take position in front of Mori, 'And while she's distracted with them..'

I sneak behind Mori while she is fighting the demon, I slam my foot into her back and she goes flying across the room into a wall making it crack, She weakly stands up and runs at me, She trips me over and lands a punch to my stomach, Blood rises from my throat and I spit it out, I wipe my mouth. "Nice tactic." She swells with pride until I end up behind her, "Never let your guard down. Not even for a second." I whisper and kick her back into the wall once more. "I-I'm not done yet..." She shakily says, I tell my demon and angel they can leave and they poof away. "Alright, You can take your move." I stay in my spot and see her making a hand sign, I interpret her to do water style again so I get my fire style ready. "Water style : Water prison!" She aims it towards me, I was just a second late in my hand sign and end up getting caught. I hold my breath as I hear gasps echo around me, I make a hand sign, 'Heaven and hell : Death scythe!' A bloodshot and black scythe forms in my hands and I use it to slash open the prison, I successfully make it out and gasp for air, I hold my throat slightly and jump backwards with the scythe in my hands, "This can cut through anything, Even water." I said and let it teleport back to wherever it came from. She growls and I glare at her, I teleport behind and put two fingers to her back and put just a little pressure on them, They were chakra infused fingers, She slams herself to the ground. Her face is coated in blood from the fall, She doesn't move, I squat down next to her and poke her head. "Bleh." I say, Nothing, I look towards the guy with the ponytail and take my index and slightly pull down my lower eyelid and stick my tongue out, 'Dumb Orchimaru.'  I said in my head and turned away, The proctor went up to her, "I declare this match over." I smile slightly, "The winner is Y/n." Cheers echoed the room, Naruto jumped down and gave me a hug.

"Careful." I said while flinching, He pulled back with a worried face, "I'll take you to the infirmary!" He shouts while picking me up bridal style and running to the infirmary, I sweat drop, "Thanks Naruto." I look beside me and see Sasuke staring at me surprisingly, "Did you have your battle?" He asked and I nodded, I proudly puffed my chest out, "I won!" He chuckled and sat back in his bed thingy, "No surprise there, Your a L/n." I stuck my tongue out at him teasingly when Kakashi walked in, "Naruto, Can you leave for a little bit?" Naruto eyed Kakashi suspiciously but walked out anyway, "Let's go." He said and I whined, "I just got here!" Sasuke looked at him weirdly, "We need to go seal that curse mark of yours." My eyes widened, "Where?" I asked and he replied back,"There's a soundproof room not to far from here so let's go." Me and Sasuke exchanged worried glances but got up and followed Kakashi anyway, He led us down the corridors then came to a halt at a door and walked in, The room was dark and had a huge sealing circle on the floor, "Who's first?" I shakily raised my hand, "I'll do it, Sasuke has been through worse during his fight, Before Sasuke could argue back Kakashi spoke, "Do you have something under that shirt?" I walked up to Kakashi and slapped him, "What kind of question is that?! Of course I do!" I yelled at him, Kakashi rubbed his cheek where a visible hand mark still lay there. "Well I need to see the curse mark and I can't do that with your current clothing," I face palmed "Why didn't you just say it that way the first time?" Kakashi signed, I griped my shirt and pulled it off revealing a....

Tank top underneath. "As if I wouldn't wear anything under, Their are a ton of perverts in this town." I said while eyeing Kakashi, I sat down on the circle and prepared myself, (Forget the markings, No markings for you...) Kakashi makes a series of hand signs and I close my eyes, "Curse sealing!" He says and I brace myself, I open one eye to see Sasuke standing there encouraging me on and giving me a sad thumbs up, I give a weak smile, Kakashi touches my neck where the curse mark is located, My eyes widened, I scream in pain and grip the ground hoping to keep myself steady, The words on the ground start to move onto my body and into the curse mark, I bite my tongue to muffle the screams but its no use, My body is shaking while the curse mark glows a crimson red and another layer appears behind the curse mark sealing it, My screams die down into small whimpers and me shaking uncontrollably. I get on my hands and knee's while panting, "This seal should help." I look over my shoulder at Kakashi still panting, I fall over unconscious, I let the darkness envelope me and my eyes close fully.


A/n : Woww! What a day, Two chapters in one dayyy! That sealing seemed painful, There's no question that Orchimaru will be upset now, What will he do? Is this the end of the curse marks wrath?

Don't give your hopes up! Stay fabulous Y/n!~

Alex over and out!~ x3

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