My First and Last Flight

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My hands clenched around the handles and fear crawled up my throat. I clenched my eyes close against the fear. The fear of flying that took over as the plane rose in the air. I opened my eyes again for I wanted to see. Wanted to see out the window towards the ground were it was safe and secure. So, I looked and saw my safety net get smaller and smaller until all I could see were the fluffy white clouds.

Above the clouds, the movement of the plane didn't feel so dangerous. In fact, it felt as if we weren't moving at all.

No longer afraid, I closed my eyes that felt heavy from a night of tossing and turning due to worrying about a flight that wasn't so bad after all.

I opened my eyes wondering what had jolted me awake. Hearing screams, I looked around to see panic clouding the passenger's faces. I felt panic crawling again at my own throat in response to their fear. I looked around to find the source of such mass panic. My eyes finally landing to look out the window and see the ground rising up to embrace us. My safety net was getting closer. Only, it was no longer a safety net.

"We're going to die," some genius announced. A modern-world Newton, no doubt.


In case you didn't know, Newton was the one who wrote books and formulas on gravity and falling.

This is one story that neither my english nor my physics teacher would appreciate but, I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for reading.

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