Chapter 2: The Phone Calls

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Caleb's POV

She used to call me C.

They didn't even tell me she was coming. I haven't seen her in forever, and I still think about her sometimes. She's really beautiful, and she has no idea how much I care about her.

The last time I saw her, she had playful eyes and messy natural strawberry blonde hair and a constant smile with cute messed-up teeth that turned into a frown every time she saw my face.

We were only eight that time, and I actually liked her even before that. I think it was when she came when we were six, yes, that's when we first met. I liked her from the first day and maybe she would have liked me back, if I hadn't acted like an asshole. You see, I expressed my feelings for her, that too in a bad way. I tried to hug her, but instead I freaked her out and she ran away. Don't judge me, I was only six years old. Ever since then, whenever she saw me, she ran. It was all very frustrating. But I did NOT give up. In order to show her I liked her, I ended up ruining whatever friendship we'd had. Seriously I was such a fucking idiot when I was a kid. 

After that, I mentioned that she came when we were eight, and the day she came, she actually looked kinda happy to see me. But I, being the idiot that I am, decided to go hug her, AGAIN. Seriously, if I could go back in time and meet myself when I was eight, I'd probably slap the hell out of my younger self.
So anyway, she hated me all over again and then she left and I missed her so much. She disliked me so much that she never came back. And now it's been seven years since then and we're both fifteen.

So after seven years, I was utterly stunned to see Jessica on our doorstep with my uncle, and when she entered, she looked really shy and scanned everyone's faces. She began blushing and, believe me, she looked so damn hot.

When I saw Jessica's face properly, I noticed that her messy hair had changed into neat and combed natural strawberry blonde hair with auburn highlights at the ends. The highlights were not there before. The playful eyes had been replaced with mysterious grey-blue eyes as if they were hiding something from the world. The constant smile with cute messed-up teeth had become rosy lips with perfect straight teeth, so I'm guessing that she wore braces. Well, not that the braces matter anyway. I swear she looked so pretty, I could kiss her, but obviously I wouldn't, I mean I barely know her and all. And I already have a girlfriend.

My girlfriend's name is Michelle, and I think she's amazing, but lately we've been having some problems. I mean we still like each other, but sometimes she behaves like she's too good for me. I secretly think that she has stopped liking me and she might have met someone better, someone more interesting, someone who cares about her more. Before whenever I thought about her I felt amazingly happy, but nowadays, I feel sad. We just don't feel the same way we used to for each other anymore.

So yeah, I met my beautiful childhood friend after forever and she didn't even properly recognize me. So she entered the house and as soon as she came, my entire family gathered by the door, including me. We all stared at her as she came in and immediately my family started asking her a million questions. Jessica started answering the questions and scanned everyone's faces one by one and greeted all of my siblings and, when she got to me, surprisingly she looked at me differently. Different from the way she looked at everyone else, different from the last time she looked at me. It kinda looked like she was staring at me in a desireful way. When she did that, I smiled.

I said to her, "Jessica, I'm not sure if you remember me..."

She looked kind of amazed for a second and then she looked like she was thinking about something really serious. Ugh, I wish I could know what she was thinking.

"So anyway, I would like to start over, y'know, without the hating. I hope we can be friends, Jessy," I said. I gave her a small smile and winked at her and she gave me a lost look in return.

After that, I didn't have time to say anything else to her because my family told her to go inside and get fresh.

Jessica's POV

So after the whole introduction to people I'm not really interested in knowing, I was told to go and get fresh and comfortable in the room I'll be staying in.

Somehow the thought of Caleb comes back to my mind while I'm examining the room.

He called me Jessy.
I can't believe I completely forgot about him.

Anyway, I should probably stop thinking about Caleb.

I was supposed to call Mom, Carl and my best friend Angie to tell them I have landed safely. Better not have them think I didn't make it here.

After a short conversation with my mom on the phone, I call Angie.

"Hello?" Angie says when she picks up.

"Hey Angie, how are you?"

"I'm fine, kind of tired. And you? How was the flight?"

"It was good, I'm at the house now. So, anything new happen in the time I've been gone?"

"Nah, nothing much. Just been hanging out with Justin." Justin is Angie's boyfriend, btw. There's a sort of doubt in her voice.

"Oh, that's good. Hey do you know if Carl is busy right now? I just wanted to talk to him."

"Ummm . . . I d-don't know. . . he . . . he m-must b-be available," Angie says. She seems to be really scared.

"What's wrong, Angie? You sound really scared! What happened?" I ask cautiously.

"N-nothing. I'm p-perfectly fine! D-don't worry about me."

"Are you sure? You sound terrified! I'm your best friend, you can tell me!"

"N-no I'm okay. Anyway gotta go!" she said that last sentence very fast, like she's desperate to get off the phone with me.

That hurt.

For some reason there was some doubt and guilt in her voice. And she started talking like that after I mentioned Carl.

Something is going on.

With suspicion, I call Carl.

"Hey babe! I missed you so much! How was your journey?" he says as soon as he answers.

"Hi Carl. It was good," I reply flatly.

"What's wrong Jess? You sound... different."

"Nothing, I'm just kind of tired. I have a question: what's wrong with Angie? She started stammering and sounded really freaked out when we talked."

"Jessica. How would I know what happened to Angie? It's not like we have talked to each other in the short time that you were gone." he sounds restless. Definitely not the way he usually sounds.

"No I just thought that since you guys have been best friends for like ages, maybe you knew," I say.

"I don't know. Anyway, babe I have something important to do right now, so I'll talk to you later, okay?" Carl says quickly.

"Okay, bye Carl," I say.

I have no idea what's wrong with the both of them. As soon as I brought Carl up in the conversation, Angie got restless. As soon as I brought Angie up, Carl got restless too. This cannot be 'just another coincidence'.

Something is up, something I don't know about. I don't know why they've started hiding things from me.

But I will find out.


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