Chapter 30: Come With Me

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Jessica's POV

"No way!" Trisha gapes at me in disbelief.

I've just spent an hour and a half telling my friends about everything that's happened since I came to Vancouver. We are laying on the floor on mats in my room with a load of junk food spread on the floor around us. I'm currently clutching a fluffy pillow Liv brought with her from home and spilling the tea with my friends.

I was descriptive and I had a bunch of side stories to tell too, plus I kept being interrupted by Trisha, who always has a hard time believing me.

"You didn't!" Trisha exclaims.

"I did. Although I regret it now," I sigh, as we speak more about the time I kissed Alex.

"On a scale of one to ten, how hot is he?" she asks, flushing red.

I glare at her, "Trish, I just told you that the guy's a dickhead. I don't care if he's hot, I'm not talking to him."

"You don't have to talk to him, just tell me more about him," she flutters her eyelashes.

Liv and I roll our eyes.

"Yeah we're moving on from this subject," I say.

"You said you met James? How was that?" Liv asks.

"It was actually pretty good. He was really nice as he always is and surprisingly, I wasn't reminded of Carl while I was talking to him."

Liv and Trisha stare at me worriedly.

I stare back in confusion then shake my head and say, "Caleb was with me though. He was acting like a little kid and being all jealous."

I giggle and Liv and Trisha seem to relax.

"I'm telling you, that boy is into you," Trisha says firmly.

I mull it over, "I don't know... he's always being so good to me and we've shared a couple of moments..."

"See?" Trish says.

"But I doubt it. Maybe he's being friendly and doesn't like me like that anymore. It's been years since we last met and he had a girlfriend for a while. Do you really think he still has feelings for me after all this time?"

"I haven't been here long or known him for more than a bit, but I'm quite sure he still likes you, Jess. I can see it in his eyes," Trisha tells me.

"You know what? Let's move on from this, it's not like we can read his mind and find out how he actually feels. If he does still like me, he'll tell me. Let's talk about you two. What's up?" I decide.

Trisha sighs, "Liv, I think it's time..."

Liv looks at me in disdain.

"Time for what?" I ask anxiously.

Trisha takes a deep breath before speaking, "The main reason we came all the way here was because we need to tell you something."

"Okay, stop beating around the bush and just give it to me straight," I say firmly.

Liv bursts into tears and I begin to panic, "Oh no, please don't tell me my mom died!"

"No, no! Your mom is fine, that's not it. Didn't you talk to her like a day ago?" Trisha reassures.

"Oh. Yeah. I did. Sorry, it was the first thought that came to me since Liv just started crying."

"No, nobody died, Liv is just more sensitive than me, you know that," Trisha says.

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