Chapter 18: The Truth Comes Out

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Jessica's POV

On the way to the house, I tell Emily and Rachel everything about the voice note and how Michelle was right about Caleb.

Unfortunately, this causes me to blurt out everything else, too.
So now they both know all about what Cal and I have been up to ever since I came here. They even know about the kiss.

Their faces render pure shock then slight fear, the kind that says, what have you gotten yourselves into?

"Woah. This is. . . kinda hard to absorb. I mean, we could tell Cal felt something for you, more than in a friendly way, but we certainly didn't know all this was going on," Emily says with a blank expression on her face.

Rachel smirks instead.
"It's not that hard to digest. Come on, Em. Cal has always loved Jess. What did you expect?"

"Well I didn't expect her to return the feelings!" Em retorts.

"Yeah me neither. But hey, Jess, it's okay. We're cool with this. Even though our parents may not be. But... it's just a little crush. You'll get over it. Even if Cal never does."

"Oh, I know that boy well enough to know he isn't getting over her anytime soon. But yeah, Jessica. We're okay with it as long as you guys stay within your limits. I just don't want it to get too far. Okay?"

"Yes. I understand. But you guys don't have to worry. Remember I'm mad at him? Like don't-wanna-see-his-face mad at him? There's no way anything is gonna happen. And besides, I have a boyfriend I gotta worry about," I say.

"Oh. Right. Forgot about that. But wait, you had a boyfriend this entire time?!" exclaims Rachel.


"Oh my god. I feel bad for the guy. I mean you've clearly been cheating on him," Em says.

My face turns sour.
"Oh, don't feel bad. I'm almost totally sure he's been messing around with my best friend. I just know it. She's trying to get revenge on me for 'stealing' her crush. Apparently she liked my boyfriend and they were close friends. Then I transferred to their school and met him and. . . well we had chemistry. So we got together. But she couldn't bear it, even though I was her best friend and neighbor. I had no idea she would do this, though. And now she's trying to steal him away from me, and he's actually letting himself get stolen! He doesn't give a shit about me!" I shout.

"Whoa, calm down Jess. Okay, I do not feel bad for him at all. He deserves what you did," Em says firmly.

"Yeah. You should break up with him."

"I will. If he doesn't stop what he's doing."

"You know, I actually am pretty positive that what Michelle sent to you was edited. I mean, anything's possible. Maybe that wasn't even Cal's voice. Technology can mess with anything. Even voices," Rachel says thoughtfully.

"True. Because I personally believe that Cal really does care about you. A lot. I know he does. He has been waiting for you for seven years, Jessica. He may have a girlfriend, but he's been thinking of you this entire time. I don't think all that is fake. Michelle is messing with you, I know it."

"Well. . . I-I don't know what to believe. I want to believe Caleb, but I feel like I just can't, you know? Maybe if someone found a way to prove to me that Cal hasn't said all that about me, I'd forgive him. And everything would be normal again," I sigh.

"Whatever happens, I hope it doesn't shatter either of your hearts," Em says sadly.

"It's already shattered mine," I reply quietly.
We finally get home and all silently leave the car and go to our separate rooms to get ready.

I just hope this silence isn't gonna continue, or else the shopping trip will be hella awkward.

I close the door of my room when I get inside and search for a good outfit to wear to the mall.

I've been given an hour to shower and get ready.

I settle on a bright red sweatshirt and denim blue shorts along with my white adidas superstars.

As the hot water of the shower soothes my wounds earned from the accident, I wash my filthy hair.

After I'm done, I dry my hair with a towel first, and then a hair dryer. My hair is slightly frizzy because I just washed it so it needs some time to naturally settle itself.
To speed that up, I quickly braid it into a side fishtail, the braid hanging over my left shoulder.

Feeling proud of my fishtail, I smile as I get dressed.

I wear no makeup except for a little bit of pink lipgloss.

Admiring myself in the mirror, I twirl around confidently a few times.
Dizzy, I sit back onto my bed just as my phone begins ringing.

I wonder who that could be.

I glance at the caller ID on the screen. Carl.
What could he possibly want? I mean, it seems like I'm suddenly nonexistent to him.

I don't have much time left so I hope this conversation ends quickly.

"I'm busy Carl." I say, deflated when I answer.

"Hey babe! What's the matter? You don't sound all that enthusiastic to hear my voice. We haven't talked for days! I miss you so much honey!" Carl says chirpily, as if nothing is going on and it's just a normal day.
His voice comes out strained and his bright tone seems forced.

"I think we all know what the matter is," I growl.

"Um. . . no, actually. I'm confused. Why aren't you happy to talk to me?"

"Carl, listen. I don't have time for this right now, but you and I need to talk. Not just small talk. No. We need to talk. You hear me? But not right now."

"Whoa. What's going on Jess? What do we need to talk about?"

"Don't play dumb. You can't avoid that conversation no matter what. We will talk. And soon. I'll call you back."

"Wait. Jessic-"

I hang up on him before he can finish his sentence.

I need to know what's going on, but now's not the time.
I don't want anything to ruin my shopping trip. I'm going to have fun, no matter what.

Rachel's POV

After the conversation about Caleb and Jessica, the ride home was dead silent. Nobody uttered another word.

I thought about it all to myself.

It seemed like Cal really did say all that in the voice note, but deep down inside, I know he didn't say that about Jess.

I know my brother very well. He would die for her. He'd jump off a cliff if she asked him to.

But he would never say those words about her. I know. He wouldn't.

Sure, Jessica and I's relationship didn't start off all that smooth, what with 'the asshole' being there to make me despise her for some time.
But none of that was her fault. She's just a kid. It's okay.

And I feel for her.
I want her and Cal to be happy again, and out of this Michelle-mess.

And I ship these two. They'd be a cute couple for sure.

Know what? I'm going to get the truth out of that bitch. She does not get to treat my brother and friend like that.

I know it seems strange that I hate Michelle so much, because I seem so 'bright' and 'happy she's with Cal', right? Wrong. It's all an act. I pretend that I look up to her, make her think I wish I could be like her. But actually, I despise her secretly.

I'm gonna go ask Kyle to be completely honest, because I know Michelle is made of lies.
She'll weave her way out of telling the truth.
But Kyle won't. I know him. He's weak. Emotionally weak. (Maybe physically as well.)

If Michelle ain't gonna tell me, he is.


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