Chapter 23: James

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Jessica's POV

Once Emily and Rachel have finally finished getting ready, we go out for dinner.

We take our seats when we arrive at the restaurant, and somehow, Caleb and I end up sitting next to each other. Totally not a coincidence.

I'm given a menu which I flip through very carefully, as I am a hungry person.

As the room erupts with conversation, Caleb leans over to me and attempts to snatch the menu from my hands, but I hold on to it firmly so he fails pretty badly.

I laugh maniacally at him. He rolls his eyes at me and goes back to his seat.

I return to my original position of gazing at the menu, when a few seconds later it is stolen from me and I squeal in surprise.

"Gotcha," Caleb says and chuckles.

I frown at him as I watch him laugh uncontrollably.

"You're evil," I comment.

"I know," he replies, not looking back at me while flipping the pages of the stolen menu.

I groan and try to hit him softly on his shoulder but he catches my hand and drags it under the table. I widen my eyes when he refuses to let go of it and we're sitting there holding hands and I'm in shock while he continues to browse through the menu with his other hand. I look around the table, but no one else seems to have noticed.

I try to look him in the eye but he avoids it easily. What the hell is he doing?

"Caleb, please may I have the menu back?" I plead.


"Cal, stop acting like a child and give me the freaking menu."

"I think not."

"Goddammit Caleb! I'm not kidding!" I whisper-scream.

"Nah. I-ooh! This menu has cheesy pickup lines in the back!" Cal exclaims.

"What the-"

"Are you a dictionary? Cause you're adding meaning to my life."

"Oh my g-"

"Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!"


"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together."

"Caleb!" I say firmly.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"You literally just called me a dictionary!" I say.

"But then I said you're adding meaning to my life. Which you have been doing for nine years now," he replies, turning red, "did I just say that out loud?"


"Kill me now."

I giggle and squeeze his hand.

I lean over to him and whisper into his ear, "And for the record, I liked that pickup line."

He smiles and I take advantage of the fact that he's no longer paying attention to the menu, so I grab it from him.

He scowls at me and I remove my hand from his as I mouth my words, "I gotchu, sucker."

I smirk with satisfaction as I watch him make a face at me. He's adorable. And a sore loser.

I turn to Rachel who is sitting next to me and we begin chatting loudly.
After a few minutes Caleb and Em join the conversation and we end up getting really engaged in the topic.

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