Chapter 4

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Today, I didn't wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. So I checked the time and realized I had woken up an hour before my alarm. Ugh, I could've used that extra hour, but I can tell I won't be able to fall back to sleep. I got up, did my normal routine, pulled on my clothes (outfit above) and decided to actually make a good breakfast instead of just grabbing an apple.

 I made some bacon and got a croissant and put Nutella in the middle of it, then put in it the microwave for ten seconds. I finished eating and went off to school. My parents went on a business trip for a few weeks so I have the house to myself. It was nice out today so I decided to take my long board to school. It was sunny and warm and the light breeze felt nice. My brown hair was blowing in the wind and I seemed to forget about everything. I forgot about Grayson. I forgot about Sophia. I was carefree. Up until I rolled up to the school once again, and saw them. Grayson and Sophia, hand in hand. Ugh. Sophia glanced over at me and gave me an obnoxious smirk and blew me a kiss.

 I didn't realize my hands were in fists until i felt the pain of my fingernails digging into my skin. I really didn't understand what Grayson saw in her. I mean yeah she was attractive, she had golden blonde hair that was short and curly. Ice blue eyes and she was thin. But her attitude made her the ugliest person I know. She was heartless, and if she did have a heart, it was black and ice cold. She didn't give a damn about what she did to anyone else as long as she got what she wanted. Evil takes a human form in Sophia Winston. I'm convinced she is related to Regina George.

I watched as they walked into the school holding hands. I was still staring when Ethan came running up to me. Me and him are pretty close to, but not as close as me and Grayson are. Were. "Hey Layla, I was wondering if you wanted to come by after school tonight. Grayson's hanging out with Sophia and all my friends already have plans." He asked my with a little smile on his face. "I'm your last choice?" I put my hands on my chest acting like I was truly offended. "Oh no! I've hurt your feelings! What could I possibly do to make you forgive me?" He goofily played along. "Get me out of math class?" I laughed. He stood with his hands on his hips, and puffed out his chest standing like superman. "I shall blow up the math classroom with my laser eyes." He said. I was trying not to laugh at his dorkiness, but it was no use. Soon we were both laughing so loud we were getting glares from people in the hallways, but we didn't care. 

"So, after school you wanna come over?" He asked, after we finally stopped laughing. "Yeah, sounds good." I smiled. "Okay, I'll drive you my place after school." "Oh no that's fine, I have to do something when I get home anyway, but I'll be there at 4, okay?" I asked. "Yeah sounds great, I'll see you then!" He waved and walked off. I smiled, waved and made my way to math class, the class I was excited for, but I dreaded going. He was in this class. And so was Sophia. But my friend Trinytee was in here too, so hopefully it won't be that bad. 

Me and Trin became friends three years ago over our shared love of Dan and Phil. Anytime they upload a video, she's at my door and I have it loaded on my laptop with chips. We're pretty close, I already told her about Grayson, so I'm praying she will help me keep my mind off it today. I walked into class to see Trinytee already there. I walked over to her and slid into the desk next to her. "Hey bish" She looked up at me and laughed "Hey". We started talking about random crap until the bell rang. The teacher stepped in front of the class and started taking attendance. She called out Grayson's name, and I realized he wasn't there. Then I realized, Sophia wasn't there either. My mind went down a freakin dark hole. 

What if they're doing it in the janitor's closet? I kept thinking of how i saw them swapping spit and it wasn't until i heard the door opening I realized I wasn't even paying attention to the lesson. I looked over at the door and my worst nightmare, became a reality. Grayson and Sophia walked in. His hair was a mess and his lips were swollen. Her shirt wasn't done all the way up and she had big purple marks on her neck. The teacher noticed and had them sit on opposite sides of the room. But I was still thinking about what I saw. As soon as it happened, my stomach dropped and I felt the tears stinging my eyes, daring to come out. Don't cry, don't you fucking dare cry, he isn't worth the waste of your fabulously done eyeliner. I silently laughed at myself, and kept my head down, pretending to write stuff down so it seemed like I was paying attention. Finally, the bell rang and I began to get my stuff together. "Hey Layla, you wanna hang out tonight?" Trinytee asked me. "I already made plans with Ethan, but I'm sure you could come with us, I'll text him.


Me: Hey Eth, is it cool if Trin comes over tonight to hang with us?

E-tee-we-tee: Yeah it's fine, you know I love Trin.

Me: Okay thanks E-tee-we-tee ❤

E-tee-we-tee: Stopppppp

Me: Love you


I looked up at Trin "he said it's fine for you to come over, and FYI, he said he loves you" I showed her the messages and her face began to heat up. Trin had the biggest crush on Ethan ever since Madi sent her a snap of him at Starbucks. She smiled a huge toothy smile. "Ohhhh my godddd I'm so excited now!! Okay, since you long boarded today we can take my car back to your place to get ready." "Okay sounds good to me, now let's go or we're gonna be late to class." 

We had our next class together as well so we walked to our lockers, which were only a few apart, and began to get our stuff. "Hey, it's the stalker" I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Sophia talking to me. Ugh "Stalker" had been what she called since she started the rumor in 7th grade. I grabbed my history books, shut my locker and quickly turned around. "What do you want Sophia?" I leaned against my locker with Trin right next to me. "I want you to stay away from Grayson." She steps closer to me pointing her finger in my face. "If I catch you near him or Ethan-" "What are you gonna do about it?" Trinytee interjects. "I will make both of your lives living hells." And with that, she spun on her heel and walked off. Trin turned to me, "Are you okay?" I felt the tears threatening to come out, but this time I didn't stop them. "I knew she'd take him from me" I cried as she hugged me. "Layla it's okay, we'll figure this out." "No, I don't want to drag you into this, it's fine." I shook my head and wiped the tears from my eyes. "No, I'm not going to let her do this to you anymore! She's made your life awful for years! I'm sick of it!" She grabbed my shoulders and lightly shook me. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I sniffled. "Now come on let's get to class" I nodded and we walked off to class.


The bell rang signalling for us to go home. Me and Trin got in her car and headed off to my house. Great, now I have to go to the house where my crush's girlfriend specifically told me not to go, fun. I think "Ugh" should be an emotion, because my current emotion right now, is UGH.

A/N So that was pretty long. But tell me in the comments if you agree that "ugh" should be an emotion. 

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