Chapter 16

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Grayson's POV

I starred into her beautiful blue eyes, at a loss for words. I just  kissed Layla, holy shit!  "I- I um, ha, um..." I stumbled on my words, and I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. She giggled her adorable giggle and shook her head. "Gray, you're fine. What I did was pretty out of the blue.."  I laughed, "Out of the blue? It was completely random! But, me and you both know I love things that are random." I smiled and her eyes lit up.

Layla's POV

I didn't expect myself to actually do that.  But, I've always had feelings for Gray, I mean that's obvious. I never thought he would feel the same way though. "Now what?" Grayson asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I don't know.. I mean it's really up to you. I really like you and I have since I met you. But I understand if you don't want to date." I replied, looking down.

"Are you kidding?! Do you not remember what happened like 5 minutes ago? When I went on a huge rant about how perfect you are to me. Of course I want to be with you! I just wasn't sure if you wanted to since you just got out of a relationship.

Shit, Aaron, I hadn't thought about that. "I did love Aaron, at least I thought I did.. But you make me feel different. You give me feelings I didn't think someone would ever give me.  I can go on crazy adventures with you, or even just sit on your roof at three in the morning eating pizza. I feel comfortable with you, in ways I wasn't with Aaron. I loved Aaron, but I'm in love with you."

I was shocked at my words, but the look on his face after I said them, made it worth it. "So Lay, will you be my girlfriend?" I laughed and shook my head. "Obviously you dork." "Layla, I'm so sorry for everything that has happened in our past. But I promise, I will never hurt you again. I promise."

He leaned in and placed his lips lightly on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I teasingly denied and he grunted with annoyance. He put his hand on my butt and squeezed. I gasped in surprise and he took his chance and stuck his tongue in my mouth.  Our tongues fought for dominance, but of course he won. 

We made out for a while, but his phone ringing caused me to jump back. He laughed and picked up the phone. "hello? Oh right! Sorry, I'm on my way." He hung up and stood up from the  couch. "Sorry, I forgot I promised my brother I'd help make dinner. But, we'll continue this later."  He winked and walked out the door.

I fell on the couch completely shocked about what just happened. I walked into my room and squealed like a fangirl just found out she was going to a One Direction concert. I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling and just thinking about him. Soon my eyelids started to feel heavier, and I found myself falling to sleep. Grayson being the last thing on my mind.

*Next Morning at school*

 I walked through the front door of the school, scared of what could happen today. I didn't know what to expect from Trinytee or Ethan. Madi still hadn't made any contact with me. Grayson is all I can rely on right now, but who knows what Sophia will do. 

I walked towards my locker, and passed Trinytee on the way. We made eye contact and she just rolled her eyes and kept walking. That felt like someone had shot me in the chest. I clenched my teeth together, and my head hung low. I walked up to my locker and put in my combination. I stuffed my bag in and closed it. As I turned around, Grayson was walking up to me. I smiled and hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me and it felt like I was protected from the world. No matter what, I'd have him, right? 

"Oh my god! What a slut. First Aaron now Grayson. Who's next, Ethan?" I left Grayson's embrace and turned to see Sophia. "I'm sorry, what? I couldn't hear you with the dick in your mouth." She rolled her eyes. "My head game is strong, you would know that wouldn't you Gray?" She winked at Grayson behind me. That made my blood boil. I stepped up to her and said, "You need to back the fuck up, now." She crossed her arms and leaned on her hip. "What are you gonna do about it?" I smirked. "Well, I could leak your nudes, but everyone has already seen those, so.. we could get physical if you want. So here's your last chance. Hop off my mans dick, or I'll mess up your nose job." I smiled at the look of terror on her face.

"Y-you wouldn't do that." She said, clearly terrified. "You wanna find out?" I cracked my knuckles to really freak her out. She rolled her eyes and walked away, swaying her hips to try and make her butt look big. I looked around the crowd of people who had formed around us. "Shows over, fuck off!" And immediately they all ran off. I felt pretty proud of myself. I felt tough.

"Damn princess, that was hot." Grayson said when I walked back up to him. "She's not gonna take you from me again, I'll make sure of it." He smiled and kissed me. 

We made our way to class, and we passed Ethan and Trinytee on our way. Trinytee didn't even look in my direction, and Ethan waved at Gray, and ignored me. I still had some confidence from what happened with Sophia, so I went up to them. "What is going on with you two?!" They stopped walking and just looked at me. "We were best friends and when I needed you, you fucking left." Trinytee rolled her eyes. "You're acting like you're the victim here." She said. I was taken back by what she said. "I am the victim! I lost Aaron and Madi in the same day and I had nobody! Me you and Madi were inseparable, then you start dating Ethan and you're too good for me? And Ethan. The fuck dude? I helped you ask her out and this is how you repay me? Asshole."

"Layla, think about it like this, why don't we like Sophia?" I gave her a confused look. "Because she is a bitch, snake, liar, slut-" "There you go!" She cut me off. "A slut, and that seems to be exactly what you are. You break up with Aaron, then a few weeks later you hop on Gray. I don't waste my time with sluts." Ethan was looking down the whole time she was talking to me. "I don't know why I wasted my time with such a bitch." I suddenly got a stinging sensation on my cheek. Did she just fucking slap me? 

I looked up at her, and punched her square in the nose. I heard a crack and she screamed and ran to the bathroom, blood falling down her face. I glared at Ethan who was staring at me with shock. He was about to say something, but I put my hand up to stop him. "Don't" I turned around and walked through the doors of the school, and walked home. My hands shaking from adrenaline and my face being soaked in tears.

I collapsed on my bed and cried into my pillow, until I felt the other side of my bed dip down. I looked up to see Grayson. He pulled my close and played with my hair as I cried into his shirt. "It's okay baby, I'm here. It's okay." He repeated over and over. I continued to cry until I was just hiccuping. Gray kept playing with my hair and lightly rubbed my back. I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

A/N What up bitches, I'm back!!!

Have you guys seen all the drama on youtube with Jake Paul?! Holy shit!

Oh, btw.... There is only about two chapters left... 

BUT! I do have another book I'm working on at the moment, so do not worry.

Until next chapter. PEACE!! 

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