Chapter 18

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*Grayson's POV* (When Layla walked in on him and Sophia)

I watched as the one good thing in my life ran out of my room with tears streaming down her face. What the fuck did I just do?  I got up from my bed and started putting my pants back on. "Gray, baby what are you doing?" Sophia asked, biting her lip. I rolled my eyes. "Don't call me that. I don't know why I did that with you, all I know is it was the biggest mistake I've ever made." She pulled the blanket up to cover her chest. "Come on, you know you loved it." I laughed a humorless laugh. "Not really, besides your puss smells like tuna."  She gasped and I ran out of the house and over to Layla's. 

I didn't bother knocking on her door, I knew her parents weren't home, and this is to important to wait for. I raced up the stairs to her room, and I could hear her crying. I stopped at the top of the stairs, while tears fell down my cheeks as well. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought in my head, hoping maybe, somehow she would hear me.

I walked up to the door, and froze before I was about to open the door. I'm probably the last person she wants to see right now. She probably just wants space. Maybe I should just leave her alone for tonight, then I'll come tomorrow with-

My thoughts were cut off from a loud thump coming from inside Layla's room. I raced inside, and the sight in front of me, made me feel like the world around me was spinning. Layla was laying there on the floor, pills scattered all around her, and a note on her bed. I fell to the floor, and crawled up next to Layla. I reached over, and pulled her up into my lap.

"Lay, baby... please wake up.." She didn't move. "Please! You can't leave me here.. I didn't want to hurt you. I was stupid and I'm so sorry for that! Please, come back.. I promise I wont hurt you again." By the time I was finished talking, I was a sobbing mess. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called 911.

Within 10 minutes, the police and the ambulance was at Layla's house. It's all a blur though. The police asked me what happened, I kept my answer short, not wanting to think about it. I looked across the room and I saw them placing Layla in a body bag.   The zipped it up, and right before they closed it over her face, I saw how peaceful she looked. You won't get hurt anymore, princess.

After everyone left, I crawled into Layla's bed and hugged her pillow to my chest, taking in her familiar scent. I cried into the pillow, and every time I closed my eyes, I saw the look of pain and betrayal on Layla's face when she saw me with with Sophia. "You dick! You ruined the one good damn thing in your life because you're a prick who doesn't give a shit about anyone accept yourself!" I screamed at myself.

I looked around the room and saw the note Layla left, I still never read it. I grabbed the piece of paper and skimmed it until I saw my name.


Gray... I love you. I'm sorry I wasn't enough. I hope Sophia can make you happier than I did. You know, a part of me always expected this to happen, but you promised you wouldn't hurt me again. Oh, silly me.. I believed you! I hope you find someone who can make you as happy as you made me, but I hope they don't hurt you the way you hurt me.

My tears fell onto the paper, smearing the writing. I couldn't feel anything. I felt so sad, I was numb. Sad. That wasn't a strong enough word to describe how I was feeling. I was completely and utterly heart broken. I was shattered. I never realized how important Layla was to me. I got so used to her being there, I never thought what it would be like if she was gone. Now, thinking back on all the times I had took her for granted, I felt even mire disgusted with myself. I couldn't bare to just sit here anymore. I called my brother and told him to come pick me up, and drive me anywhere.

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