Chapter 10

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I woke up with the sun shining on my face from my window. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head trying to get the sunlight to go away. I wasn't in the mood to wake up. I was still devastated by the fact that my best friend is leaving soon, but I decided not to dwell on it and spend as much time with her as possible.

But laying with a pillow on your head isn't very comfortable, so I sat up and checked my phone. I looked at the time and it was 10:30 am. I was scrolling through twitter when I got a text from Aaron. Oh yeah, our dates tonight. 

Text conversation (A- Aaron L-  Layla)

A- Hey Layla, we still on for that date tonight?

L- Yeah, of course

A- Great I'll pick you up at 7?

L-  Sounds good, where are we going though?

A- That's a surprise ;) 

L- Okay, what should I wear though? Fancy or nah?

A- Fancy, but not too fancy.

L- Alright, see you tonight 

A- See you then 

*End of conversation*

I turned off my phone and decided to go downstairs to make some breakfast. I rolled out of my bed, slipped my slippers on and went downstairs. 

I looked through the cupboards for something to eat and decided to just make some lucky charms. I poured the cereal into a bowl, added some milk and sat on the couch with my phone next to me.

I finished eating, but stayed sitting on the couch watching TV until about noon. I decided to should take a shower and find an outfit for tonight.  I walked into my bathroom and turned on the hot water. I'm one of those people who shower in scorching hot water. When, I get out, I'm usually red, but it relaxes me so... I don't really care.

I hopped in the shower and let the hot water hit my skin. I washed my body multiple times so I would smell fabulous for my date. I mean, I want tonight to be perfect. I've had a crush on Aaron for years, and we are finally going on a date, could you blame me for wanting it to go good? 

After washing my body and my hair, and shaving. I just sat in the back of the tub, the water hitting me. I did this a lot, I'm not sure why I do, but I do. I just think, it's relaxing.  I leaned my head up against the wall and found myself thinking about me and Aaron in 7th grade, before Sophia tried to ruin my life.


"Aaron, where are you taking me?" I giggled as Aaron held my hand, leading me through the woods that were behind his house.

"It's a surprise Lay, but we're almost there so calm down." He laughed. I shook my head and laughed with him. I let him lead me through the trees until he finally stopped.

"We're here Lay." I looked around in awe. There was a cute little pond with fish swimming around in it. Next to the pond was a big tree house. "Wow, Aaron, this is beautiful." I said, spinning around taking in my surroundings. "Come on, I have more to show you." Aaron told me, walking up to the tree house, and climbing the ladder.

I followed him up the ladder into the huge tree house. When I got up, there were 2 bean bag chairs with some bowls of M&M's, chips, and board games stacked up. I felt my self smiling and I looked over at Aaron who was opening up Disney Monopoly. "Why'd you bring me here , A?" 

I was the only person who he let call him A. I'm not sure  why, but I liked it, it made me feel special and important. I've been calling him A for years.

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