Chapter 17

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(There will be self harm in this chapter, so if you are uncomfortable reading that, then read until you see the warning then skip until you see ****, Then it will be safe to continue reading.)

*Three months later*

It was finally was the last week of school. Then, I'll be graduating and traveling the world, then going to college. I got excepted into NYU. I was really excited, the only thing is that Grayson isn't going to NYU. Him and Ethan are sticking with youtube and they are even trying to become actors. I am being completely supportive because it's his dream and who am I to stand in the way of that? 

But It still sucks because Trinytee was going to NYU, but me and her still aren't talking. When I punched her three months ago, I actually broke her nose and she had to get plastic surgery. Her parents tried to press charges, but failed when the court saw what I did as self defense. Madi and me talked once or twice, but they were short conversations. It hurts to think that someone who used to be so close to you, can make you feel like nothing...

I wiped the tears from my eyes and I finished doing my makeup and walked downstairs to where my mom was. My parents got a divorce two months ago and my dad moved out. They said it was to difficult to be married to your co-worker. Surprisingly, I wasn't so devastated by it. I could kind of see it coming, so I prepared myself for it.

"Hey mom" I said, as I grabbed an apple. "Layla, not now! I'm on the phone." She rolled her eyes and continued to talk to god knows who. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and walked out the door. It's the exact same as it was before, but somehow worse. She is even more of a bitch now that dad's gone.  But I can't blame her, I bet it's hard to get divorced. 

I walked towards my locker, and there was a bitchy blonde leaned against it. "What do you want Sophia?" I asked, pushing her off my locker. She smirked and said. "I came to warn you. Grayson still wants me. It's pretty obvious. Every time she sees me, he is basically eye-fucking me. Thought I would tell you. Wouldn't want you to walk in on something you don't want to see." She winked and walked away, leaving me wide eyed watching her walk away.

I tried to shake my head of the idea of Grayson and Sophia having sex. Then I remembered the time I was on the phone with Ethan and I heard them fucking in the background. I clenched my hands into fists at the memory. 

I opened my locker, through my bag in, and slammed it shut. I turned down another hall and I felt a lump rise in my throat at the sight. Grayson and Sophia were talking but Sophia was stroking up and down Grayson's arm, clearly flirting. But Grayson wasn't pushing her off. Instead he was laughing and enjoying her company. And his eyes, they were dark. Lust. He was still attracted to her...

I turned back around and ran into the girls bathroom and fell onto the floor and sobbed. I don't have anyone.. I picked up my phone and shakily searched through my contacts looking for Dylan's contact. It rang a few times and he picked up. "Dylan.." I sobbed into the phone. "Ugh oh my god Layla this is getting annoying! Stop calling me with your stupid problems. God, don't you have any friends?" And with that, he hung up. I dropped my phone and pulled my legs up to my chest. I cried into my knees.

I didn't go to any classes today. I sat outside in the courtyard, and thought about how quickly things changed. Five months ago, Madi, Trinytee, Ethan, Gray, Aaron and I were all best friends. Every chance we got, we were together. We had countless 3 am pizza runs. Endless movie nights. We made so many memories together. It's not fair that everything good must come to an end, but everything bad feels like it lasts a lifetime. 

The bell rang pulling me out of my thoughts. I wiped my eyes and dried my face. I got up and started walking home. Well, running home. I didn't want to see anyone. I ran up my front porch steps and into my bedroom. I walked into the bathroom and looked for something. Something that I hadn't touched in months. I found it. The little blade that seems to be the only thing that has stayed with me through the years.

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