Parks and Annoyances

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Your mom sighs defeated, "Fine, you can sleep in another half an hour..." She begins to make her way twords the door. She stops in the doorway and turns to you with a patient smile,
"But no more than that, ok?" She said, only slightly agitated. You mumble agreeingly and pull the covers over you more. A while later your eyes lazily open at the sound of your crying alarm clock. You roll over, still tired and groggy, and hit the top of the alarm clock a few times before it finally shuts off. You sit up and stretch with a big yawn. You turn to get out of bed and hop off. Your feet pat against your cold fuzzy carpet.

You half stumble across the room towards your door. You stop a bit away from the door at a mat with a neat row of shoes sitting in a line on top of it. You slide your feet into your lush, grass green frog slippers. The boggle of the frog's googly eyes fills the stair well along with the tired clump of your feet trotting down the stairs.

"Morning, (y/n)!" Your dad cheerfully calls from the kitchen, "What'd you like to eat, on this fine morning?"
You rub your eyes and answer "Just some toast and coffee." You flop down at the table and lay your head on its surface.

Your dad asks with a chuckle, "Still not a morning person, eh?"

You answer with a short chuckle, "Not today, at least." He smiles at your humour and places a plate with 2 pieces of toast cut into triangles along with a caramel latte. You mumble some form of thanks and appreciation.

"So me and your mom will have to go sort out stuff with the moving company, so we'll be gone for a good 4 hours today. Are you ok with that?" Your dad asked.

"Uh huh, that shouldn't be an issue." You reply after taking a sip off coffee.

"We'll be leaving in a little more than an hour, so you should start getting ready." He informs you. You nod sleepily and lodge a triangle of toast in your mouth. You chew crunching semi-loudly and pick up your plate and coffee.

"I'm gonna go eat in my room, k?" You inform your father.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." He replies. You tread up the stairs and go into your room. Placing the plate down with a patter you unplug your phone from its perch on top of your bedside table.

"Let's see what everyone's up to today..." you mumble to yourself. You see your friend texted you. You go into the message and it reads:

"Hey (y/n)! Wut u up 2? So, me an (other friend) r going 2 hangout @ the park 2day, u wanna come? Txt me when u get the chance. Ttyl"
You shrug and tell them you could probably go, since your parents will be gone for a few hours dealing with the moving company. This means you wouldn't be able to make any progress on moving anyways. You text your friend agreeing to come, and they should meet you there in about 40 minutes. You set down your phone and head into the bathroom with some clothes.

After taking a shower you get changed. You pick up your hairbrush and start to style your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You look at yourself in the mirror. Your wearing your favorite t-shirt with a pair of blue jeans. I look pretty decent today, you think to yourself. Your phone starts ringing, interrupting your train of thought. You go over to pick it up, it was your friend you were just talking to. You pick it up, hoping they weren't going to cancel.

"Hello?" You answer.

"Hey, so is it ok if my brother tags along? My mom won't bring me if he doesn't." Your friend sad apologetically.

"That's... fine." You replied reluctantly.

"Thanks, I look forward to seeing you there!" They say and then hang up. You put your phone down with a sigh. Thier brother is only a year and a half younger than you two. But he must be twice as annoying. You are ready, as much as you can be, for the events.that will take place at the park. But are you really?


Wow this one was a long one, I hope you guys enjoyed! I will be trying to update as frequently as possible. But school and life get in the way so it's hard. I'm hope this is a good pace though! And I really love reading your guys' comments, so feel free to leave them! And if you ever have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Either in the comments or you can private message me.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art shown unless specifically stated.

Thank you
And until next time...

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