A Hectic Morning

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Your family got packed up and moved throughout that next week. By the next Thursday you guys arrived at your new house. On Friday and through the weekend you unpacked your belongings and got settled in.

- Your pov -

The alarm clock blasted. You turn your head to see it reading "7:00". You lay there for a minute, tired and processing. Then you bolted out of the bed and clamored up the stairs. You had to be at the bus stop in 15 minutes! You grabbed your clothes from a newly washed hamper and threw them on. Leaping back downstairs to your bathroom, you put on your socks. Once you reached the bathroom you raked a brush threw your hair and scribbled a toothbrush on your teeth.

After you were, for the most part, ready you swung on your backpack and raced down the road. You didn't have time for breakfast, I'll live. You told yourself. As you turned the corner you saw your bus begin to pull away. You hollered after it, chasing it down the road for a good block or so. Finally the bus driver notices and stopped. You got on the bus and, embarrassed, sat in the back corner seat by yourself. Students looked at you weird as you walked back, but you tried to ignore them. Still, something about their glares made you... uneasy.

As you sat and looked out the window you decided to go over how your new house was set up. It had a basement and a main floor. Your room, a bathroom, a computer/gaming room, the laundry room and your brother's room were all down there. Your bed room was at the end of the hall, it has (f/c) walls and (fandoms/things you like) posters.

The bathroom as the next door on the left. It was a rather small bathroom, and the shower was only a shower (no bathtub).

Across from that was the computer/gaming room. It was actually decently sized, it had all sorts of consoles and screen. Your brother practically lived in it. He recently came back from volunteering in some less fortunate countries in Asia. He has been there for quite a while, so he didn't have a room in your old house anymore. It was up in the air if he was going back to those countries, but he probably will.

Your brother's actual room was just down the hall from the gaming room. It was decently sized. But a bit smaller than your's because no one was sure if he'd be staying or how long.

Lastly was the laundry room. It on the opposite side did the stairs as your brother's room. It was a big open room and when back the length of the stairs. There was a space under the stairs that you considered using to talk to friends in private, but nobody goes back there. The rest of the room was used mainly for storage.

The upstairs had a kitchen/ dining room, your parents room,a living room and an office. When you walked up the stairs you came into the kitchen. It was longer than it was wide, with the kitchen part and the far end. And the dining part right around the corner. If you headed straight as you turned right out of the stairs you would see a sliding glass door that lead to you backyard.

Inbewteen the kitchen area and the dining room area was a archway that lead into the living room. It had a longer couch and a smaller couch at each side and a recliner at the end. The TV was at the end nearest to where you walk in. And if you headed straight to the end of the room and went left you'd find a small entryway with a closet.

On the other hand, when you came out of the kitchen you could go left down a hallway. The first left, and only, was a bathroom. This one was bigger than the downstairs on and had a full sized bath tub.

Across from that was your parents' room. It was the master bedroom and had light adjustment settings. (Which are actually pretty cool. I have them in my kitchen so I'd know x3)

Finally at the end of the hall is the office. This was basically a room for your parents. It had a computer and lot of filing cabinets. They used it for important paper, to do taxes (and things like that),and if they need to do work at home.

You finished up that (overly specific and time consuming > v <) tour as your bus neared the school. You sighed, why do we have to be here already? Still not happy you had to go to school, you got up and flowed off the bus with the other children. You looked up at the building labeled "Skool". Must've been a mistake you shrugged and head towards the front doors, glancing at all the other children running around at the front. This was going to be... interesting.

I know most of the chapter was just describing your house, and I'm sorry. But it's better than nothing so I hope you can forgive me. And I still would like your opinions! Please go to the newest part of "Hey Guys" and give your opinion! I'd really really appreciate it, and it'll only take a moment of your time. That's story is also where I update what's going on and comunicate with you guys. But, as always thank you for reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art shown unless specifically stated.

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