I Was Going To Say "Pig"

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"Normal people don't talk in the third prospective, Zim! Furthermore supporting my alien theory!" The Dib-stink shouted. Other worm babies backed away at the mentioning of his "alien theory". Not because they were listening or anything, it was more subconscious muscle memory at this point.

"Well Dib, have you ever tried to talk in the third prospective? No? I guessed as much, considering that only smart beings can." I stated and turned around.

"WHAT?! I can do it, I'll do it better than you, Alien!" Dib rebutted. Perfect. I can't believe he was so easy to dive into this. I thought.

"Well then, if you're so sure then how about you talk in third person for a week." I said, laying out the bait.

"I will! But you have to talk in the first person prospective for a week too!" Dib answered.

"It's a deal then." I said and shook his hand. Dib trotted off and filled with pride. I scoffed to my self, So easily manipulated. The best part is he doesn't expect a thing because he thinks it was his idea. Now everything is all set up. A bus pulled up and filthy worm babies flowed off. And with no time to spare.

Your POV

You were the last one to get off the bus. You thanked the bus driver and only received a grunt in return. Is everyone in this town crazy? You asked yourself. When you got of the bus you stopped on the sidewalk and got out an instruction sheet. It was given to your mom over email and told you to wait at the front entrance for your two students. They would be your tour guides. You headed towards the front doors. There was a green skinned kid and a kid in a dark blue shirt with a grey  • _ •  face. They glared at each other until you walked up the stairs.

"Hello, I am Zim." The green skinned one introduced himself, "And this is Dib." He introduced the other boy.

"Dib is very happy to meet you." Dib said. O...k... this is already a bit weird... you thought.

"We will be your tour guides for the day." Zim told you.

"Dib hopes you will enjoy it very much." Dib said with a smile. I mean, at least one of them is normal. "Dib, and Zim will show you around after class has commenced so it is easier for us to give a full tour. Dib hopes you understand and don't mind waiting too awfully much." Dib said. 

You nodded and said, "It's fine, I don't mind." It's not as much what this kid says, even though that is weird, it's how he says it. It has a strange tone.

"Are you ok?" Zim said. You guessed you got lost in your train of thought.

"Y-yeah. Just thinking." You said.

"About what?" Zim asked you, full of curiosity.You panicked a bit, you didn't want to offend Dib.

"Ab-about...." Common, think of something! " About why the board on to of the school is spelled wrong!" You said, not hiding your panic too well. But Zim didn't seem to notice.

"Hm, yes that is strange." He said, "But we ought to move, the bell will sound shortly. And we wouldn't want you to get trampled your very first day!" He said with a chuckle as he lead you down the stairs. Dib followed behind.


Everything is going according to plan. (S)He'll think that me and Dib are her/his only friend options. And since Dib has taken up this bet (s)he'll think he's weird, thus favoriting me! Then (s)he'll side with me on the alien argument. And everything will be smooth -well almost smooth- sailing from there.

Your POV

Zim had lead you to the side of the stairs. You got there just as the bell had rung. Dib made it out as well, he only got his foot stepped on a few times.

"Owwww!" Dib yelped, holding his foot, "Dib is much hurt." Zim tried to hold in a laugh but couldn't and a bit escaped. "Do you think Dib's pain is funny?!" Dib said, getting a bit defensive. Zim shook his head frantically, still choking down his laughter. "Well is this funny?!" Dib snapped while stomping on Zim's foot.

"AAAAHHKKK!" Zim cried out, "You slimy son of a-" Zim was cut off by a tall old lady in a black cloak-dress staring down at them from the top step. You stared, curious as to who she was.


I and Dib found each other with a death grip on the other's collar. I stopped my sentence as I saw Ms. Bitters standing on the top step. She snarled and almost instantly slid down to us. She grabbed us both by the collar and snarled again, this time even fiercer.

"I was going to say 'pig'." I sheepishly informed her.

A few minutes later all four of us were in Ms.Bitters's punishment office. We were each sat in a chair infront of a desk. Dib was on my right and (Y/N) on my left. The desk was all the room had besides the door with 3 bolts, a lock and a place for the wooden barricade that was leaning against wall besides it. That desk was barren, much like the room, all it had was telephone. Ms.Bitters didn't even have her own chair. I was reminded that Dib and my chair had to be pulled from the janitor's closet by Dib blowing a puff of dust from his chair into my face. I hissed and Ms. Bitters, who had been pacing back and forth up until now, growled at me. I glared at Dib. To which he responded with crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at me.

Suddenly the phone rang. Ms. Bitters slid over and answered it. There was some indistinct talking on the other end and Ms. Bitters occasionally nodding and saying "mhm". This went on for a few minutes before she semi-slowly hung up. The way she did it sent shivers down my spine, and I could tell it did the same for (Y/N) and Dib.

Ms. Bitters put her hands on the desk slowly and creepily as a almost smile inched across her face. "The principal has decided your punishment." She said and we all drew back in anticipation.

You could hear a pin drop.

Cliffhanger! Ha ha! This was fun to write and I hope to write more (maybe you won't have to wait to long 😉😋) I just want to say thank you to @TheOddGirl885 for letting me know she liked it and giving me inspiration to continue! I hope you enjoy, if you did feel free to drop a like to let me know. Comments are appreciated, I love reading them! And as always, thank you for reading

-I have no idea how to sign this off x3

Disclaimer: I do own this chapter's title art so please DO NOT USE IT WITHOUT PERMISSION! Thank you.

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