Chapter Eleven: Replaced: Danny

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Chapter Eleven: Danny

Blu took me into one of the hospital rooms and sat me down across from him.

The friendly smile that was once there before was replaced by a thin line, and his aura had darkened. My trust in him suddenly depleted, but Blu stared straight at me. “What a pickle you’re in.”

I wasn’t afraid of him. I just stared back.

Blu sat back in his chair, observing me. “You’re only twenty –”

“Twenty-five,” I corrected.

He didn’t seem annoyed like I thought he would be. Instead he shrugged. “Yes, twenty-five, forgive me. As I was saying, it’s a very young age to be expecting a baby. Very much work.”

I looked to the right wall so I didn’t have to see his probing eyes, staring at it as if it held answers, as if Angeline was on the other side. “Yeah, we figured. We know nothing about…anything.”

Blu crossed his legs. “There are many things you need to know –”

I was barely listening, for I was watching the wall. I could imagine Ang on the other side, lonely, and confused…


“Ow!” I swung to face Blu, the back of my head throbbing.

“Pay attention, boy,” Blu snapped.

“Did you just smack me?” I snarled.

“I did. Pay attention or you can fend for yourself.”

Fuming, I listened. Blu told me what to expect, and what to do. He told me terms I’d never heard of. In his presence, I felt like a child again, only just learning the basics.

“What are hormones?” I asked.

“They’re chemicals in your body that produce, loosely speaking, your emotions. Hers will be a little unstable for a while.”

Blu told me all he knew, and I was sure I’d forget everything soon. He ended with saying, “This will last nine months, you know.” I felt my eyes widen. “Yes, nine. But I’m sure both of you will live,” he said almost teasingly.

“But,” he continued more seriously, “she needs to keep that anklet on for her safety. It helps me and the other doctors monitor her health. As far as health goes, both of you are steady enough to take a look around the orphanage. Sadie has also offered you a teaching spot, if you choose.”

This was a lot to take in. “A teaching spot?” I repeated.

“Yes, teaching one of the age groups techniques that you have found useful. You can tutor them anything you like, as long as it’s appropriate.” There was an edge to Blu’s voice. “It’s up to you, for you will need to stay here for awhile. Who knows, the children might like you.” Blu stood up, and, dazed, I followed him.


The door opened, and a short man in a lab coat nodded to Blu, ignoring me. “Dr. Blu,” he addressed in a monotone, “the girl, Angelina, is stable.”

As soon as I heard Ang’s name, I darted out of the room and in the direction the man was pointing. I was right: she was in the room I thought she was in. I skidded to a stop in the doorway, smiling at her. She was lying alone in the white room, looking very clean.

The woman I’d been afraid of, the one who looked deranged – she was gone, replaced by the angel I knew was there.

Her teeth were whiter, straighter; her hair was shinier than ever before, much curlier and redder; her face was flawless and practically glowing. But when she saw me, it looked as if she would jump up and knock me down. It pained me to see that she stayed put.

“Ang,” I greeted as cheerily as I could, though my voice was strangled, going to kneel beside her. When I got close enough, she locked her arms around my neck and kissed me. When she had her taste of me, she let go and I started laughing. “Miss me?”

“Yes,” Angeline answered in a clear voice. What wonders doctors could do. “Yes I did, Danny. Oh, you should’ve been here, it was terrible!”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I breathed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

She made a face, and her fingers twitched as they lay on her stomach. And I didn’t know what to make of it.

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