My Thoughts 2/21/17

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Ok so, here I am, writing some random journal that no one will give a shit about... Haha, just kidding.  As you may know, I have been diagnosed with chronic depression.  What you might NOT know is that I went to the hospital for 2 weeks to DEAL with it.  Now don't go all sympathetic on me, but I cut after my first week there.  


I'm not saying this to grab attention.  I am talking about this only in hopes that people will learn from my mistakes, and that hopefully I'll gain enough trust and encourage others to share their stories and how they go through it.  I'm brave enough to explain some of the hardships that I have experienced in life, of course, keeping some things to myself to protect my privacy.  But please, if your brave enough, share your stories with me!  (Do NOT share private information or anything that could expose you to danger)

Coping skills:  A concept of actions that could/can prevent you from becoming triggered or falling into depression

- Listening to music

- writing (what I'm doing right now)

- Making music

- hanging out with my doge

- talking to myself in bed

- singing

- taking a run

Anyways, I'm in school right now, supposed to be working on a fucking essay.  But instead, I'm doing some shitty writing on Wattpad that people will probably get bored in the middle of chapter 1 // the introduction // 


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