Chapter 12(;

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"Well what are we supposed to do now? your mom knows that I practically ran away now. Now she's gonna tell my parents where I am. Then I'll go home, get my butt torn up, and be grounded for life!" I was about to start crying. "No you won't Brooke. You'll stay here, and everything will remain perfect as its been. We can just pretend this never happened. And I can talk my mom into letting you stay anyways." Baylor says. or his was kind of convincing. I didn't want to case anymore trouble. But how could I just leave him? This is like the night in the hotel room, but 10 times worse. What am I going to do? Stay or leave? Leave? Leave and possibly never see him again? or stay, and possibly get caught and sent to Texas. either way, I could possibly never see him again! Ugh. I hate having to choose!

-Author's Note-

Hai everyone(: Dow you guys been doing? Comment how I'm doing in my FIRST fan fic so far, or give me things that I could improve on on the next parts, or the next fan fiction story.(: Stay weird!💙


-Mrs Barnes-

I can't believe what was happening. Baylor specifically told me that her parents knew where she was.I knew I should of been suspicious on how well everything was going. How do I contact her parents? Should I contact her parents? Well, Baylor and Brooke just ran out, and they've been gone for more than 30 minutes now. Maybe I should call the cops saying that my son is missing now! If I tell her parents where she is, Baylor will be mad at me forever. But if I don't, the. I'll be breaking the law. This would be kidnapping from the cops point I view. Why does Baylor always put me in situations like this?


He was actually pretty convincing. I did wanna stay. But I'm mostly just worried about getting into huge trouble at this point. "what now?" I ask putting my head in his shoulder. "you stay, and we continue to be happy like before." He smiles and then it fades once again. Next thing I know, his lips were pressed against mine. I wasn't really kissing back that much. I didn't want us to really be kissing out here like this. He pulls away and says "see? I want more of that. and that can't happen if you don't stay."

I giggled and he took my hand. we started walking towards his house. When we walked through the door with him first, I don know why I was expecting this. Cops. cops freakin everywhere. there were people calling my parents. "this can't be happening!" I yell into Baylor's shoulder. A police officer walked I've to us and asked Baylor to get out of the way. "Are you hurt? Who took you? where I they take you?" a cop asked me and he seemed pretty interested. "No one took me. I'm not hurt. no one kept me anywhere." I said confidently. "Officer please ju-" Baylor tried to speak but the officer stopped him. no need young man. Now, so you're telling me that you ran away from home?" the officer said kind of getting in my face, so I backed up. "yep. yes sir I did!" I said and marched upstairs into Baylor's room. "Brooke!" Baylor called coming upstairs as well. "babe? What was that all about? you're gonna tick the cops off. you're supposed to get to their good side and make them feel bad. not get an attitude with them." he said this with a grin and it kind of faded, but still there a little bit. "I don't wanna go home. I do t wanna get I to trouble. I do t wanna lose you." I said looking at my hands fidgeting around. "you won't lose me. But I can't tell you that you're not going home or that you're not gonna be in trouble though.." he sighed. I couldn't help myself. I was so mad that this was THIS horrible. I started crying. Not happy tears. Not sad tears. Angry as heck tears. I started breathing him harder as faster. "are you okay?" he asked worried. I blew up "THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANTED BAYLOR! I WANTED EVERYTHING TO PERFECT! WE DESERVE WTTER THAN THIS! NOW COPS ARE HEAR AND THEY'RE TALKING TO MY PARENTS, AND IM GONNA HAVE TO GO HOME AMD BE GROUNDED FOREVER, AND I'LL NEVER SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!" I instantly calmed down after letting all that out. "wow. ummm. yaa" Braylon says completely shocked. "Sorry. this is just all happening all suddenly. I just wanted everything to happen, how I wanted." I say looking down. "I realize that. But trust me when I say we'll get through this together." He tries a smile and it fades once again. "Ms. Belle. please come down stairs. we need to take you to the police station."

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