HFHWG? - 01

48 4 6

Hello! I created this one-shot as a contest entry by Wattpad. I hope you like it.


Far away, deep in the forest, a small cabin could be seen. A lake was situated in front of it, in which ducks, geese and their respected offsprings were swimming peacefully.

A woman, around the age of 24, could be seen; sitting a wooden swing. She had a book in her hand, indicating that she was engrossed in reading.

A man, about the age of 26, walked towards the woman and covered her eyes.

"Guess who~?"

"Hmm, Jim is that you?"

"Wha-? How can you say that dumb head's name, Kayla?!"

"Hehe, sorry Ken."

The man, Ken, came at front and sat next to the woman, Kayla.

"You literally are an expert at ruining romantic moments."

"Aww, don't worry! That's my speciality after all."

"Hmm, that's true."

"Hey! I was being sarcastic, genius."



"Oh, c'mon. Don't be upset, my dearest wife."

"Well, I can be upset even angry when my dear husband makes fun of me."

"You know I love you to the moon and back."

"He he, I sure do."

"Since the very first day we met..."

"Since the day our adventures began..."

"I still can't believe it. I'm shocked that the little girl that I met 12 years ago near this very lake is now my most precious woman."

"I know how you feel. I thought you were some ignorant boy who only cared about himself."

"Oh puh-lease! I'm wasn't the school's Queen Bee, now was I?"

"Don't be jealous. I know I was really~ popular."

"Yeah, yeah. So what? I wasn't a loser like some people we met."

"Hmm, now I have to admit. I was pretty stupid by dating him, huh?"

"You definitely were. But, if I had realized my feelings then nothing would have happened."

"It still scares me sometimes."

"Don't you worry. He, or on top, no one will be troubling us now. Even if someone did, they would have to face me!"

"My hero~!"

"Haha! Wait, that was your sarcasm again, wasn't it?!"

"Ah! I got caught. Hehe~!"


"Oh, don't be mad now, honey. I was just joking."

"....Okay. You can repay me by making that special chicken dish of yours!"

"You mean the Spanish Steak Platter?"

"Yeah, that! Now come on!!"

"I'm coming! Jeez..."


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