4-From Minor to Major

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Classes had begun. We did not know that in the past few weeks before April, Tsubaki had practiced in secret whenever night came. Nobody knew what she was doing, not even Mrs. Sawabe.

Days have passed, and it seems that Tsubaki was getting better grades than before. With that little inspiration that grew upon her, she took her journal and scribbled some words there.

I want to be the best I can, in my own style. I want ny sound to be known and knock in their hearts. I wish... Kousei... I'll chase you wherever you are!

Even if you are now studying somewhere abroad, even if I am yet a late-blooming violinist, even if everyone despises my major change, it doesn't matter for me anymore.

The stars twinkle above, and they inspire me to reach you even if you go millions of miles. I'll follow you-that's my vow... Mr. Arima Kousei.


"Alright, Class! Let's see who got the highest in our musical notation quiz."

Their teacher, Mr. Yamada, proclaimed it since he was annoyed that the class sees Music as a very easy subject. One by one he called the names of the lowest ones. The class, aware that Tsubaki had always been one of the low-scorers, were questioning themselves.

"And you now know who's the highest!"

"Miss Sawabe!" The class said in unison.

"Congratulations, Tsuna-chan! As promised, I will give something to the highest-scorer."

Tsubaki went near the teacher, and he showed two things: a keychain and some rosin.

"Which one?"

"I'd go with the rosin, Sir." Tsubaki answered, eagerly takig the small gift.

Nao was intrigued. "I thought you have wanted to collect keychains?"

"I have sold them off, Nao. In short, not anymore..." Tsubaki replied.

"Amazing, Tsuu-chan. How did you get Mozart's spirit?" A classmate asked her.

"Through Haydn's hands. Nope, just kidding!"

"Tsubaki, are you still going to join the softball club?"

That question brought back memories of despair. That kind of sadness she can't explain herself. Shy of not being there, she just faked a "yes".


Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are...

Tsubaki lightly hummed that nursery rhyme while she was alone in a café. She saw some kids tap the piano, and they laughed. She sipped a little coffee and the song ended with her running back home.

An hour later, Mrs. Sawabe heard a warm and familiar tune. She went upstairs, and saw Tsubaki playing the violin.

"Tsubaki!" Mrs. Sawabe called, "Have you finished your homeworks? Darn, I do not want to see low grades like last year, okay?"

Tsubaki nodded. Mrs. Sawabe rolled her eyes around the room, and she saw Tsubaki's musical notation quiz which surprised her a lot.

"Tsubaki!" Mrs. Sawabe's eyes somewhat sparkled. "What's this?"

"Ah, our Music quiz... Wasn't it bad?"

"Of course not. But, please continue to be a softball player, because first of all you have your scholarship in it, and we can't have tuition for the violin."

"Okay..." Tsubaki sighed, her mother went downstairs. "Is this really music when you turn it down?"


In Warsaw, Poland, Kousei has been taking specialized lessons there, aside from regular schooling. He is now feeling homesick, pressured, and yet he continued to strive despite everything, for the good of his mother's and Kaori's memories. One time, he thought of texting his friends, but he was not allowed to. In his journal he wrote:

I wish we could be the same as before,
I wish I had not left them as how Kaori and my mom did,
I wish I could end the eternal sufferings a virtuoso always keeps,
I wish... I wish for consolation...


Saturday came and Tsubaki was really amused with learning more about playing the violin. Yet she has to practice, as it was the day.

"Tsubaki..." Mrs. Sawabe called, "You have softball practice, don't you?"

"Mom... I want to pursue music!"

"So, you would lose your scholarship? And you will raise my tired body to work harder? Is that how you will treat me Tsubaki? I won't see music as a worthwile subject lest you still keep your scholarship."


On the way to the court, unlike before, Nao and Tsubaki seemed to be distant from each other. Neither a lip hardly moved, solid as rock, silent as vacuum.

"Tsubaki, tell me what's wrong. You seem to be gloomy..."

"I can't stand it anymore!" Tsubaki said, "I regret turning music down! I regret choosing to be a jock that really makes me very tired to study!"

"Uh, okay... Sorry, I broke tranquility..."

The two went into the court, and while Tsubaki was to catch the ball, Nao accidentally hit her hard, making her slip and she had a nasty fall.

She was knocked unconscious by the accident, and not for long she had to be sent back home.

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