6-Fruitful Years

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"Tsubaki, come here..." Mrs. Sawabe called, "Let's talk about something. Please open the door."

"Are you not angry about me, Mom?"

"Of course not. I understand you well... and I regret hitting you and hurting your feelings...

Tsubaki gently opened the door, and upon seeing her mother, she hugged her tightly.

"Mom, just let me do what I wanted!"

"Okay... stop it... I can't bear to see you crying."

"Mom, I'm sorry for hurting you..."


Weeks later, Kousei had finally come back to the miniaturist.

"Well done! Thanks! Well, can I have one more favor?"

"What was it?"

"Can you make a posthumous portrait from this picture?" Kousei asked with a little hesitation.

"Hmm... A portrait is quite pricey, man. But I think you really valued this person, so... it's about a hundred euros."

"Uh... Okay then... I can agree with that, please lower it a bit..."


"Okay, but if I find that better, I'd give back the twenty."

"Sure, boy."

Kousei went back to school for his special music lessons. As of that time, he was in a hiatus for concerts, yet he was active in recitals.

He had grown up ever since he stayed there. Being isolated from everyone he knew, of course it hit him hard. That's why he couldn't help but ask for portraits and write more proses-more emotional than he ever did. He changed. Yes, he did, since he grew colder in relationships and was now more grave in his studies, yet, as always in his hometown, everyone idolizes him the way he seemed to be like a foreign body abroad. Despite the fact that he is alienated, he is still there, striving and learning.


Summer has ended and the cool autumnal winds are bracing others. Tsubaki, filled with change, has somehow isolated herself from the usual hobbies she did. It was, until the Star Festival came.

"Tsubaki, why not join your classmates later in the festivities?"

"Ah..." Tsubaki shyly said, "I don't want to..."

"Tsk. Tsubaki, I think you should expose yourself to little starlight!"

Tsubaki went out, and wore a blue yukata for the event. Nao was already outside, wearing a brown one.

"Hey, Tsubaki..."

"Yo, Nao! I'm ready for it..."

"Bring your violin, Tsubaki..." Nao replied, "Don't ask me why."

"Alright! I'm going to get it!" Tsubaki got up and took the violin.

The two walked into the area where many festives are held. There are many booths, and so are colored paper to write wishes.

Tsubaki's heart skipped a bit as she took her new pen and wrote a very simple wish.

May I wish to get what I really wanted...

Nao pulled Tsubaki. "Pray it won't rain. Let's post our wishes..."

"Alright, then!"


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