5-Lay Away

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"Yes, is that Kaori? I can't see you..."

Tsubaki, again in that separate realm, heard Kaori's voice again.

"Through that violin you will recieve my spirit."

"Who said that?"

"Count Waldestein to... Beethoven."

"But you slightly altered it."

"Sorry..." Kaori sighed, "I can't remember all of Charlie Brown's quotes, so I made one from scrap."

"Scrap?" Tsubaki said, opening her eyes. "Oh, this is indeed Kaori. I see. You do always improvise as you do now."

"Hmm? I was just enjoying the sound..."

"Wait, you know what?"


"Some kind teacher gave me free rosin. I can now continue playing the violin!"

"Yes. Music is limitless, Tsubaki. Uncovering impossibilities turn to be possible when you say music."

"So, how now, Kaori? How can I try to focus of music if people are taking me away from it?"

"At least, there are two or three people who supports you. I, Nao, and yourself."


"Yes, Nao feels you. She's just a bit headstrong but she has wonderful sentiments."



"I want to hear you play once more."



"I... I can't! I am in a place where silence is immeasurable, so..."

"Okay... Kaori... I think, Kousei really misses you."

"Ah, that Arima... He's such a wonderful, crazed pianist. I admire him a lot."

"You mean, you like him a lot?"

"You appear to like him too, Tsubaki... Yet I don't have any idea where he is now."

"Yeah, we're the same. I'll play for you, for Kousei, for our loved ones, and for... myself."

"That's a nice thing to hear from you, Tsuu-chan... Your positivity, your headstrong figure, I admire those!"

"Tsuu-chan?!" Tsubaki mused, "I see, you must have found out my nickname... Wait, why don't you visit Kousei?"


"Then, why?"

"It's all in your own head... Tsubaki, get ready to face reality. I'm not there anymore; rather, I'm now just a living memory."

"Huh...?" Tsubaki muttered, "How come...?"

"You'll find out soon."


"Sir, how much is to pay to create one miniature?"

Kousei asked a miniaturist while walking the Polish streets of Warsaw.

"About 10 Euro, is that too heavy?"

"Nope." Kousei said as he handed the picture of the one he wants to have a miniature.

"I thought you want to have one of your own, sir... I could give you some discount for that."

"Okay..." Kousei hesitantly muttered, "Do what it should be." Kousei walked away to attend school for his piano tests to see if he had learned a lot more.


Tsubaki had long been absent many times in the softball club. Because of the huge misses she did, the headcoach had to talk to her.

"Miss Sawabe Tsubaki."

"Yes, sir?"

"Due to frequent absences without a valid cause, I would tell you that I am sorry to say, but I'm cutting off tuition from the Department to you."

"Does my mother know anything regarding this?"

"Just tell her. Here is the letter, make her sign that up."

"Alright." Tsubaki breathed harder, "This makes nonsense. Why can't I just transfer to the school's youth orchestra? Or, why...? Shall I tell Mom about this or what...?"

Tsubaki said, crying along the way, filled with confusion.

"I tried to learn that damn violin to at least take a new step, but... I still just can't move. Maybe I'm such a useless jerk. A block-head. An idiot."

Nao saw her, and she sympathized to her friend.

"Leave me alone!" Tsubaki said, still in eternal despair. "You know what happened to me, so it's better not to talk about it!"

"About what?"

"I'm out of the softball team! Music has wrecked my life, even since birth! My mother would be angry at what I did! She'll find out, what I did secretly every Saturday..."

"What did you do then?"

"I am also learning baking and pastries... and somehow I would agree to work there, next time."

"What?!" Nao expressed her surprise, "Are you serious? I thought you are uninterested with learning?"

"Hmm? I need a change from minor to major scales."

"Pssh... Whatever..." Nao said, hiding her questions.

Tsubaki went home, very depressed. Her mother was there, obviously stressed from work.

"Mom... I have something to say..."

"What, Tsubaki? The scholarship? You lost it?"

Tsubaki nodded.

"Why did you do that? All I did for you was just for you! Yet you never cared for my condition, see? You made such a terrible mistake, for turning down all my hardships to you, for ashaming me in front of all the people who knew you are a great sport player, and for staining my reputation as a coach!"

"Sorry, Mom... I know but..."

"You should bear in mind that everything you eat and use all come from my headaches and back pains!"

"I have changed."

"Don't be jealous to that dead Kaori, Tsubaki!" Mrs. Sawabe angrily remarked, "I can be reckless today because you ultimately failed me!"

Tsubaki cried and ran into her room and shut it with all the locks she had.

"If you are really... then why... why can't I seem to have a clear path to music?"

Tsubaki cried inconsolably as if she lost a very important thing.

"And yet, those days I see Kaori are just fragments of a requiem I might compose later in life..."

Tsubaki took some music paper and with her violin, began to compose little melodic fragments.

"I hope one day, everyone will understand me..."

The Afterlife Sonata (Your Lie in April fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now