Chapter 25

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                                                                        Becca's POV

 I was packing my bag getting ready to go to  the UK with everyone. Even though we weren't leaving for two days. Crysatl, Tyler, Rob, Matt, and Preston are going to be arriving soon and I am going to pick up Crystal from the airport since her flight was before the others. 

C: Just landed.

B: Awesome can't wait to see you.

I was in my car driving to LAX to pick her up when Mitch calls. I answer it with the button that makes it go Bluetooth and fancy stuff.

"Hello?" I say in a funny accent.

"Herro." He says mocking my accent.

"Hey whats up." I ask him.

"noting." He says in an accent still.

"Are we still doing accents?"

"No but I was wondering was is their a fake turd on my bed.?" He asks. I remember....I made a fake poop and set it on his pillow since he put the earrings on my counter.

"It's for all the times you've made me laugh so hard I almost crap my pants." I say as he laughs at my answer.

"Wow I thought Jerome pooped on my bed again."

"I thought he was potty trained."

"I know I did to."

"Well I have to go pick up Crys from the airport Bai."

"Love ya' bye."

"Love you to."

He hangs up and I hear the music on the radio start up again. 

I pull up to the area outside the airport where I told her I would pick her up. I get out of my car and give her a gigantic hug.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you to. I can't wait to go to the UK it's going to be so fun." 

"Ok well hop into the car and I'll put your bags in the back." I say as I pick up her suit cases and put them in the trunk. 

We go back to my house and she meets Sam. She has meet Sam over Skype before and now it's always the 4 girls recording together. Me Crystal, Sam, and Ashley.  We have all gotten really close and they are like my sisters.

After hanging out with Sam and Crystal and showing her around LA we go to the guy's house. 

All the guy's greet Crystal with a friendly hug. Me and the guy's have also gotten closer. Jerome has always been like an older brother we fight like siblings a lot but he is really protective.

Ian is like the brother that teases me a lot. Adam is just the goofy but yet really serious one. Jason Preston and Tyler are like the younger brothers. We are always fighting in a sibling type of way if that makes any sense. Rob and Matt are my best friends also they are always there to make me Smile if I'm sad and still always fun to be around. 

After being zooned out for like 5 seconds while I think Mitch interrupts me with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Did you like your present.?" I ask Mitch.

The other's look at me funny. "What present?" Jason asks.

"Poop" I reply plopping down on the couch next to Sam and Crystal.

We explain why I left poop on his bed and then they all start laughing.

"Where's my poop Sam?" Jerome asks making a fake pouty face.

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