The phone call

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(yay! Chapter number 4! ON WITH THE STORY!!!! ~moonstone)

Athena’s POV~

Katherine went to pick up the phone and motioned for us to be quiet, then she put it on speaker and a man’s voice came out, “Is Athena and Christy all here?” me and Christy say yes, “everyone else go. I will not speak until only Katherine, Athena and Christy is alone.” The adults, Rosella and Alex went out into the living room. “kids, you are all pretty shocked by the news, eh? Well you’re going to be even more surprised. Since not one of you are 18 years old, you’re going to have to live with your older brother in LA. You will ride in a private jet with a complete pool and three toilets, three separate small beds and your own assistant. One of you is to wear red, one is to wear blue and one of you needs to wear something green. Is this copied down?” I speak up,

“Yes.” Christy and Katherine looks at me, they shrug and Christy says to the man,

“Carry on.”

“I assume that you already know who your brother is? He will recognise you too, I’ve told him what colours you are wearing when you arrive at the airport. Any questions?” Katherine asks tentatively,

“A-are we going by ourselves?”

“No, you have each other.” Christy’s turn to ask,

“So we need our own luggage?”

“Of course, any more questions that are worth answering?” I can tell he’s getting annoyed by the pathetic questions Katherine and Christy are asking.

“When do we leave?” I ask,

“Now that’s a question worth answering to.” I put on a smug face, “Pad and pencil? Smart phone? Anything to jot this down?”

“Yep.” I say.

“Good. OK, your flight number is C340, departing time will be – (I'm too lazy to work out the details) actually, you know what? I’ll just get an assistant to take you to your jet. She will find you three at the Terminal 2 gate. Until then, start packing because you leave tomorrow, get to Terminal 2 by 12 o’clock. You guys got all that?” I repeat what I have on my note book, “Good, NOW GET PACKING!!!!! Oh and I advise all of you to have a sleep over at the house nearest to the airport, good bye and good luck.” The phone went dead.

“Ummm…don’t we need to check-in and all that stuff? How about our tickets? What if we don’t get there on time?! Will our luggage be big enough?! What do we pack?!!” Katherine started freaking out the moment the man hung up. *sigh*, people just can’t help making fun of themselves, can they? "HEY! It's not my fault that I'm the only one taking precautions!” I gasped, Kat can read minds?! She scoffed, “Yes I can read minds. I did it just now, didn’t I? Christy, stop annoying me, please.” Katherine said as she looked at Christy who was trying her best not to laugh out loud, LOL!!!

(When they talk in their minds, it will be in italics.) Kat, can you hear me? Can you try to use telepathy to communicate?

Yes, yes I can try. Dude, remember when you discovered you can summon wind?

…y-yes, why?

TRY IT NOW!!!!!!!!!

OW! You want to make me deaf? Then a new voice came.

Aren’t you already deaf?

Christy? Yay! We can tell each other secrets like this and no one will be able to hear!

Telling secrets? Ooooooooh, what kind of secrets?

Why did you say we’re going to tell each other secrets?

Oops, well anyways, I can read your minds so I RULE! I sighed and looked at them, Katherine was grinning from ear to ear and Christy had the same expression. Just then, a thought struck me,


“You're right, so Katherine packs first…which house is closer to the airport?” Christy asked.

“Mine, I think.” I answered. Soon, Katherine was packed and ready to go.

~boring car ride where we were yelling insults at each other~

“OMG! I don’t know what to pack!!!” Christy was running around, “Do we need shampoo? A towel? Shoes? Flippers?”

“GREAT STARCLAN, CALM DOWN!!!!!!” Katherine yelled as Christy began taking deep breaths,

“OK, OK, I'm good.” After a long time, Christy managed to pack things she actually needs and we were off to my house. Man, she’s got loads of clothes!! XD

~time skip CUZ I CAN~

When we arrived at my house, I ran upstairs and began packing immediately. I'm the sister of Sky! I can’t wait to meet him in person. My “mom” came in to check what I packed, after that she cooked us a delicious meal and we went to sleep. Every one of us was really excited to meet Adam, well, maybe Christy wasn’t that eager.

(sorry, not much of a cliffie but it'll do)

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