KathrIAN, ChrisTY and JASONA

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STILL Christy’s POV~

~After watching hours and hours of TV XD ~

It was pretty late but I couldn’t sleep, (pretty late meaning four in the morning :D ) plus there were only a couple of hours until seven so I called my sisters and decided to do an experiment. I wanted to make beef jerky, it was something I loved to eat when I was smaller. (dunno, if dis is true though X3 )

“Beef jerky?!” Kat asked when I got the stuff out, we all laughed. Kat went to Ian’s room and called him out, I went to Ty’s room and Athena went to Jason’s room. I saw they were very annoyed since it was like four in the morning.

We made the jerky with Ian, Ty and Jason but they didn’t really help; they just kept falling asleep until Athena used her powers and pointed three knifes at each of them. Now that was funny, especially Jason’s face, I would pay billions to see that face again! We finished making it and all of them were awake, probably didn’t want to experience it again!

Ty yawned, “Why did you have to make this at, like, four in the morning?”

I poked his cheeks while saying, “Ding dong!” The other boys looked at me while Athena and Kat doubled over laughing. I look at them with my innocent face, hey, it’s what I do. (so totally true, she does that A LOT -_- )

“Umm...what? Why did you do that?” Jason asked.

“It’s what she usually does! She does stuff for no, absolute reason!” Athena said, laughing.

“Yea, can’t help if she’s weird!” Kat added and I glared at her playfully.

“I know right?! We’re already used to it.” My other sis said.

“Y’know, there is no such thing as normal. Everyone’s weird, we’re weirder and that’s what’s makes us related!” Kat said thoughtfully.

I rolled my eyes, “Quit being miss wise guy.” Kat punched me lightly while grinning and I do a fake sniffle, “Erin’s being mean again!”

“Erin?” Ian asked us, raising one of his eyebrows.

“Yea, SHE gave me that nickname when we found out Erin was in my name.” Kat said, pointing at me dramatically, I sniffle again.

Athena pointed out, “Yea, so is your name! We called her Kathrian for two or three times, but we dropped it when-”

“We started to call you Jasona!” I cut in, grinning.

“Well, that was also dropped cuz we started calling you Chris-TY.” Kat said and I fake cry dramatically,

“That is NOT my name!”

"You should be pround that you have my name in your name!!" Ty said, and I sniffle again.

“It’s funny how you guy’s girlfriends have your names in their name but mine doesn't.” Jason said to Ty and Ian. Me and Kat rolled our eyes,

“Well she does have the nickname Jasona and Jathena.” We said together; Athena humphed and crossed her arms.

“Well, sowwy Spwaffo...” I say in my baby voice. Everyone laughs at this, even Athena’s lips twitch up a little.

“Stop calling me Jasona or Jathena. And DO NOT bother calling me Mason or Masona, I will personally put a knife-” She started but was interrupted by Kat,

“Ma-ma-ma-ma-maaaaaaaaaason!!!” I joined in with Kat as she sang our usual teasing line that always annoys Athena. Dang, shouldn’t have teased her, Athena gave us the now-I’m-going-to-strangle-you look; her hands shot out to grasp me and my sister’s neck, I fake coughed and pretended that I’m struggling to breathe. Kat was laughing while trying to get her sister’s hand off her neck, also fake coughing. Unfortunately, it also results in strangling when annoying her. The boys laughed their head off.

“AMAZONA’S BEING A MEANIE!!!!” I ‘splutter’, still hostage of Athena’s hands.

“Haaaaaaaaaalp...I’m dying…shoot, not now...” Kat said and dramatically and fell, lifeless, to the floor, getting out of my other sister’s grip as she fell. I ran to Ty’s side and did my signature fake cry,

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! She tried to kill me!!!!!!” Everyone started laughing at first but when my sister didn’t move for a full minute, we started to panic.

“Kat? Katherine? Katherine, wake up! Katherine!!!!” Ian yelled and knelt down beside Kat, who was just laying motionless on the floor.

(Kat: CLIFFIE!!!!! ...did I just do that?! O.o I can’t die!


Kat: *wise guy* calm down, young one. We have a surprise :D well, I have a surprise :3 )

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