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Christy’s POV~ (can’t believe dis is literally JUST ONE SENTENCE...Athena? Where are you? HEWO? Wow, all those times I DO NOT want her in my A/N, right now I don’t mind, BUT SHE ISN’T HERE.)

We hear Athena gasp loudly downstairs, then, wait, WHAT? Is that filipino language I hear?

Athena’s POV~

I slowly make my way down the stairs. I groan. WHO IS LOOKING FOR ME NOW? I open the door joy filling me up to the brim.

“ARE YOU? ARE YOU…“MY TWIN”?!?!??!” I yelled in Athena’s (yes, TWO Athenas) face.

“I dunno…am I?” She said wearing a fake questioning face. I laugh at the familiar sight. Athena has not changed a bit, I still remember when she left…


“Are you really gunna go?” I ask her, tears rolling down my face. I was about six at that time.

“Yes.” She whispered, tears going down her face. I really didn’t want her to move. She was my only friend, and we are twins in all but blood. We like the same things, people, we wear the same things, we have the same interests, we share a same month for our birthdays. She is exactly twenty-two days older than me. She is like the sister I never had, and in a few days she’ll be gone. I just stared at her in silence. She came up and hugged me. “Twins for the win?” She asked me her voice wobbling from crying. Twins for the win was something we made up a long time ago to say to each other. I wanted to say something but the words choked in my throat. I managed to swallow the lump to say a few words,

“Twins…for the…win.” I whispered as a waterfall of tears came out of my eyes. I smiled saying that. It’ll probably be the last time I’ll ever say that to her. I let her go and watch her get into the car taking one last look at eachother we wave at the same time. I smile a bit through my tears seeing this is the last thing we’ll do together at the same time.


I smile and shake off the memory. Athena is here, NOW is what matters. Jason waved a hand in front of my face as I jolted back into reality,

“Hey, cut it out!” I nudge him affectionately and he returns it by pecking me on the cheek. Athena grins at me,

“So, you guys are a thing already, huh?” Jason puts his arms around me and I smile warmly at him as he replies confidently and in a tone that says I-will-NOT-love-another,

“Yes, hate or no hate from you. We are girlfriend and boyfriend.” He said. I said we share every interest and we like same things and one of those same things were crushing on Jason. I was worried about her.

“Um...actually I understand all the hate. So you can just pour it out!” I know she really likes Jason, so I let her. I won’t blame her...Jason is just too...perfect.

“I can’t,” She said looking down, “I would love to...but you are my…” I saw the grin creep up on her face again, and I know what she’s gunna say.

“TWIN FOR DA WIN!” We yell, hugging eachother tightly after I broke free of Jason’s arms.

“I missed you.” I said, a bit of tears coming down my face. I feel my clothes get wet and know she’s shedding a few tears as well.

“Same here.” When we’ve pulled apart, my sisters were staring at us and Christy said,

“Um, hello? Athena?” She said slightly awkwardly. I smile and play her all the images of what we’ve been through before and I just let Kat read them as they go from my mind. They smile and Chris high-fives her then Kat fist pumped her. I smile again,

“THIS IS ANOTHER DOING OF TY’S! TY, GET OUT HERE! LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO MAH SISTER!” I heard Kat yell. Ty ran over and pretended to look in shock at the scene of my ‘twin’ and Christy high-fiving.

“What?” Athena just asked. “Is there a problem with girls high-fiving?”

“They’re a thing now.” I said gesturing to Christy and Ty, “AND YES, if it’s CHRISTY high-fiving, then it’s a problem.”

“Congratz guys!” Athena said beaming. Ian walked over and said proudly,

“Well since everyone is sharing secrets I’ll announce my one!” He said wrapping an arm around Katherine and kissing her forehead. Athena just looked shocked then happiness replaced it. I like how she’s always happy for others! Suddenly, her face grew serious,

“Athena, can I talk to you for a sec? Alone?” I look at her confused as I led her to our room, which was deserted. Once we were alone I felt it. The strong presence of a sorcerer. I put my guard up and guessed all the possibilities of danger. Then I located the signal, it was...right in front of me?



ME: D:< GET OUTTA MAH A/N!!!! Um, and yea, I know this is a REALLY short chapter but IMMA REBEL! I'll update a longer one.

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