If you tell me, I wouldn't have spied

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(A/N: welcome's first, sorry's at the end. So, welcome to a new chappie!)

Katherine’s POV~

I closed the balcony door behind me from my sister’s and my room and stared up at the darkening sky. Something’s definitely up with Athena. I mean, like, I know about Jason and the break up and all but I don’t think that’s the only thing on her mind. I really don’t want to mind read her, she’s my sister, but if push comes to shove I have to do something. She’s hiding something, from all of us and I need to find out. Maybe… maybe it’s interrogation time. I smiled excitedly, the way how detectives found out the murderer has always made me shiver with excitement. So I’ll ask a few people if they found Athena acting funny, then I’ll interrogate her myself, then I’ll solve the case! But every detective has their assistant...

Christy’s POV~ (I don’t do this anymore, so I’ll do it more… CHRISTY PLS DON’T KILL MEH)

“CHRIS!!!!!” My sister, Katherine, came running into our room from the balcony, slamming the glass door shut. I winced, imagining it shattering. “I have a plan!”

I looked at her flatly, “A plan for what?”

“A plan to get Athena to tell us what’s wrong! I know she’s hiding something, I can feel it-”

“In your gut?” I guessed and she grinned, I grinned too, it was impossible to not feel the excitement from Kat.

“What do you say? I just want to find out what’s wrong, that’s all.”

“Count me in, tunaface! I want to play chief detective!”

“But I was going to play that role!” She made kitten-cat eyes at me but I just laughed in her face.

“Tough luck then!” I got to my feet, "Let's start planning!"


Athena’s POV~

I come here every morning and night to bring him food and check on him now. He gave up the act of not wanting to eat as well, seeing he knew I was there every time. I handed him his dinner but when he tried to lift up his hand, it fell back down with a loud ‘clang’, though a little muffled since last time. His situation has gotten better and I’m happy for- I mean, uh… I feel disgusted that I helped this man. Why do I help him? He lied to me, he broke me. But even as I say these things, I’m placing the box that has his dinner in front of him.

I stared at him. “Do you think I should be doing this?” I blurted my thoughts out mindlessly. I don’t even know why. That’s so dumb.

“No, no you shouldn’t.” He said sadly.

“Then why am I?” Why am I even asking him? Stop! These are the questions I ask myself! Because you don’t know the answer.

“I don’t know. Why are you? I’m not worth helping.” Here comes the speech again. I sighed. I have to tell somebody someday… I can’t just bottle it all up and dump it in the sea. The glass would crack one day. Plus, my sisters would most likely want, or even try, to know, I’ve probably been acting strangely, and they probably would want to find out. Why not tell my secret instead of having my own sisters investigating and possibly spying on me? Heck, they might even be here now!

Then I felt it, even if my powers are somewhat weaker, their auras. I can see you, I projected strongly. At least I hope it was strong enough. This was to scare them off, but no one knows, if it’s leaked already.


Christy’s POV~

“We still have to know. We’re her sisters, and she needs to understand that.” I said, unintentionally reminding myself how hurt I was that she wouldn’t come clean to us. I pushed these thoughts away and focused on the more pressing subject on hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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