Just tell me

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It was was the next day early morning and Mira limped to the guild hall still not having her keys... "should of went to Erza's and got my keys now i cant open the guild". Whilst walking to the guild Mira's attention driffted to what happened last night. Yes, she had feelings for Erza but was there any reason to take her keys and kiss her.. suppose the kiss was a distraction. Millions of thoughs crossed her mind but she came to a stop as she seen the guild door open at a jar. "Erza!" Mira quickened her pace but also tried not to put pressure on her ankle and she strolled into the guild to see what she expected. "Really Erza..." Erza turned around with cake in her mouth and smiled "Mira! What happened to your foot?" "You know what happened" Mira walked to Erza and towered over her. "I dont know.." Erza smiled and looked at her ankle "You'll be fine soon right?". Mira growled "why are you acting clueless i know you was the one who kissed me and took my keys! How else would you get in the guild?!" Erza blushed slightly "I dont know whats in your head but i didnt take your keys.. T-they"... Erza thinked for a few seconds  "They was on the floor near door so i just used them" Mira signed and let it drop.

After Mira dropped the case Erza ran to the board and grabbed the hardest S-class job "Be back soon Mira!" She walked to the guild and smiled at Mira and mouthed 'love you'. Mira blushed and was about to speak but the door slammed and the requip mage was gone.

Kiss Me Again (ErzaJane)Where stories live. Discover now